Sunday, July 5, 2009


Happy Sunday Fairy World Friends!

I hope that your weekend is playing out how you desire.

Today we have the card "Your Wish is Granted!" I love seeing this card! It's main meaning is "What you've asked for is coming true."

Just pulling this card today, brings an extra smile to my face.

This card brings many emotions forward. Vindication almost. The feeling that you are invested in your project for a good reason.

It is interesting though, because why shouldn't it be good? We imagined it, we dreamed it, we have brought it to us. We knew that it was going to be good, so why should it not be?

We have put forth positive and we are reaping positive. It is just nice to hear that it is coming.

So relax, continue to be positive and relish in the results!

Have a great day and remember the fairy dust!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

When It Is Perfect, It's Perfect

Happy Fourth of July! Happy Independence Day to all of my American fairy friends!

I hope that you are enjoying this glorious Saturday!

Today we are seeing the card Perfect Timing. This card has the main message "This is the right time for you to move forward."

This is another sign that you have been making the right decisions and projecting the right positive thoughts out there. You have been priming the pump with pure positivity! And now, based on all those actions, you can easily move onto the next step as the time is perfect!

Actually this should be no surprise! None at all. We are evolving and growing and this is the absolute result, we get to move to the next step!

So everyone, keep up the good work and all this will continue!

Have a great day and sprinkle out the red, white and blue fairy dust!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Walking Away

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that you are enjoying your day amongst the fairies and the fairy dust!

Today we have the card Walk Away. This card has the main meaning of "Leave the unhealthy situation, and enjoy the new doors that open as a result!"

This card brings up the question is when do we walk away? When is enough just enough? We all have different thresholds that we can tolerate things but when is yours reached?

Asking that questions brings a different answer from everyone and I am sure that it will vary from situation to situation. We might put up with more or less based on all the people involved. I think the bigger question we should ask is a what point in any situation are we not being true to ourselves?

When have we put our very souls on the line because somehow (regardless of how we feel about it) it is the thing we "should" do? Is that the right thing? No actually it isn't. But should we get angry because we have been slighted? Well no, anger is really not a healthy emotion.

We have to recognize why we are feeling slighted. Is it the actions of another actually, or is it accepting because it is easier at that moment?

And after we have recognized the root of the problem, what do we do? How do we act? This very part of the process might spark off something inside of us. That would be our ego talking. And as we have experienced before, this might not be a pretty sight. So we have to reign it all in.

There is a book called A Course in Miracles. Well, it is actually a course set to teach one inner peace, through a lesson a day. One key phrase that comes from that course is "Instead of this, I choose peace." And it really applies. It is the point to break anything off and switch gears. It puts everything into perspective. It gives us clarity to explore our true feelings. It gives us mental room to decide if this is a battle we want to fight, our just leave it alone. "Instead of this, I choose peace."

So all this comes down to this, right now, the main situation you have on your mind, it is time to go and that is okay. Prepare. Plan. Be assertive and act. It will all be okay. You chose peace.

Have a wonderful fairy day!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Being Prepared

Happy Thursday Fairy World Inhabitors!

This is a new card for us, Do Some Research. The card's main meaning is "You need more information about this situation. Look further into it before proceeding."

In the guidebook it explains that we are looking into something or maybe on the verge of something and quite frankly, it is not quite right. What is a Fairy World Inhabitor to do?

Well for starters pay attention. The Universe always sends us more messages pointing us in the right direction and yet sometimes we just miss it. We have to talk to people, interview them even about our ideas and somewhere along the way you will know it. You will hear the mental "click" that ties it all together.

Funny things is that "click" might just change all of your plans, but that is okay because you are now headed in the right direction. Enjoy it and be grateful that your received your message so clearly. You are really becoming intune with the Universe and your place in it!

Remember listen for the "click"!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making Room for the New

It's Wednesday!

The middle of the week and it has been okay so far.

Today we have something different to contemplate. The card that was drawn is Good-bye to the Old, Hello to the New. This card's main message is "You've finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better part is beginning."

This is so cool!

The guide book suggests that one chapter of our life is over and it is time to turn the page. What do you think that refers to? Could it be the summer season, as it just started a short time ago? Or is it a little more complex like a job change or a new business.

In traditional tarot the card "Death" is used. Many people that have reading done are a little put off, taking the card at face value. But it like many things is a metaphor for life. A lot of times, especially in the larger matters of life, we need an old situation to basically end before the new one can begin. Thus the symbolism of the Death card.

So going back to the guide book, there is a reassuring note that we are ready and are equipped with the wisdom to be taken on the next leg of life's journey. So..

Let's go to it!

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust. It makes everything much better!