Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Making Room for the New

It's Wednesday!

The middle of the week and it has been okay so far.

Today we have something different to contemplate. The card that was drawn is Good-bye to the Old, Hello to the New. This card's main message is "You've finished one part of your life, and now a new and even better part is beginning."

This is so cool!

The guide book suggests that one chapter of our life is over and it is time to turn the page. What do you think that refers to? Could it be the summer season, as it just started a short time ago? Or is it a little more complex like a job change or a new business.

In traditional tarot the card "Death" is used. Many people that have reading done are a little put off, taking the card at face value. But it like many things is a metaphor for life. A lot of times, especially in the larger matters of life, we need an old situation to basically end before the new one can begin. Thus the symbolism of the Death card.

So going back to the guide book, there is a reassuring note that we are ready and are equipped with the wisdom to be taken on the next leg of life's journey. So..

Let's go to it!

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust. It makes everything much better!

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