Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that you are enjoying this fine Tuesday!

Today I am skipping the cards, because I have a definite message in me. That is being grateful, the state of gratitude.

Now I know that if someone asked you to list say ten things that you were grateful, it would be easy, you might name your family, your house, your employment, maybe even pets that love you unconditionally. You know what, these are all wonderful things. Truly they are. But there is something missing. We have to be grateful for the garbage as well.

Shocking that I would even suggest it, but it is totally true. Every last, kick you in the butt and spit in your eye event that has happened in your life you should be grateful for.


Well, for starters you were alive during all of those events. And you may have come out bruised and maybe a little scarred, but you came out of it.

But the bigger factor with all this is the great wealth of personal knowledge that each event gave you. Nothing, absolutely nothing passes through our lives without it being a lesson to us. That is a fact.

So if you had too many hot peppers on a dare, you learned a lesson what a lot of spicy food does to your stomach. File that away. If you have encountered great crowds and a long wait for coffee in the morning, you have learned that you should make other arrangements. Lesson learned. File that away. If you have learned that in the past your two year old melts down when he eats red food coloring and screams in stores, you do your best to take the red away. Lesson learned. File that away.

With all that being said, think about the little things that happen, the annoying occurrences that come up and their lesson is not that prevalent. Think about the things that it might be keeping you from.

You see you can approach any situation that has had an unpleasant outcome in your life and somehow see some redeeming quality about the whole thing. Then my friends you know you are on the right track.

So when you say your prayers and give thanks for every single event in your life, daily, good or unpleasant. Somehow, in their own way, they are making our lives fuller and furthering us along on this journey we call life.

Have a great day!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Adapting An Assertive State of Mind

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope all is going well in your corner of our magical world.

Today we are seeing the card Assertiveness for the first time. The card's main meaning is "Stand up for your beliefs, and only say yes if you really want to."

Some might say that the main message could be considered intimidating for two reasons. One as a rule we are not good about speaking our voices and two we don't want to seem pushy. So this is where we learn the finite difference being assertive and being aggressive.

Aggressive is the "in your face" type action that lets other people know what a person wants and that this person is willing to steamroll any one or anything to achieve that goal. Aggression is a fear based action, because it screams the lack of confidence that from the aggressor. They are afraid that their feelings or even themselves are not valid. If there is no validation, there is no acceptance. The aggressive person will make sure that you accept what they want even if you choose not to. Aggressive people act in the total state of ego.

Assertiveness is the act of a confident person. They are open and honest. They let their feelings be known in a considerate manner. They do not agree to do things they do not want just because someone else wants them to. Most of all an assertive person respects other's ideas. They are acting in a state outside of ego. They are confident about their particular needs, but they are acutely aware that other's needs might not be the same.

As you can clearly see there are distinct differences between aggressive people and assertive people. In general society, aggressive people are not liked. On the other hand assertive people are known to get further because they pull no punches and they respect that others might not see it the same was as they do. Also, it is not the most important thing to the assertive person that everyone agrees with them.

So how do we practice the magic of the assertive person? Well, I guess the best way to start is the confidence in believing on yourself. We have spoken about this before, but if you don't believe in yourself, who will?

What makes the most successful assertive person? I would have to say allowing the assertive state become your state of being. Your have to project it on the outside, but more importantly, you have to live it and BELIEVE it on the inside!

I think that we should all adapt the assertive state of mind. We will be more successful as individuals and we will get along better as a population.

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Control Freak!?!?

Hello Fairy World Friends!

Today we have an amusing card, Let Go. The card's main message is "As you surrender the need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires."

Control freak. There I said it. So the question is are you one?

I am...sometimes. I can admit it. Especially when I have a vision of how something should play out. When I get fully entrenched in my determination that things go my exact way, I know that I do not play well with others. I know this. The good news about me, being that controlling is way too much work for my liking. Too much responsibility to!

Basically people are controlling because of fear. Fear that the situation won't be right, fear that other people will not listen to them or respect them. Fear that their idea has holes in it and does not measure up. Funny thing about fear though, it clouds our judgement and we forget how to trust.

We forget the basic principle that we have God on our side and things will work out fine without the micro-managing fest. We also forget that we should trust ourselves to carry out whatever we are taking on, because well, why couldn't we do it? And finally we are forgetting to trust our fellow man that they have the ability to work with us, enriching the process on their own instead of telling them what to do every second.

Okay, so let's leave it go, have it carry out in a natural way and put our best efforts towards the common good!

Have a great day and sprinkle on the fairy dust!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Positve Thoughts

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope all is going well for all of you!

Today we talking about the card Affirmations again. The card's main message is "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."

Okay, so we have established what affirmations are and how really important they are to this whole process called life. I have shared affirmations that I have seen and I have written a few myself, they are really merely vehicles for the true feeling that we are trying to convey. But what comes next? And what do we do if they do not seem to be working?

Affirmations are best used when they deliver laser sharp focus on a particular situation. Sure we can use general ones like "I am receiving more abundance" or "My life is filled with love." These are both great things to draw to you. But abundance for instance might take form in more flowers in your front yard. They would be beautiful, but if you are looking for a job, you need a little more than flowers. So being a little more specific could really enhance the situation, like using "I am receiving abundance through job offers." The difference might be subtle, but way more powerful.

We have now established what the affirmations should be and we can chant them over and over to ourselves, but that is not the most effective use of our energies either. We have to be focused, really really focused!

I was listening to a seminar by Abraham-Hicks this morning. And one of the main points was holding our focus on our affirmations and what we desire. It is their theory that we cannot manifest our desires if we are not, even for a brief time, "living" our end result and we cannot do that if we do not focus.

So here is the exercise. First start with the affirmation, for example "I am receiving abundance through job offers" and hold that thought for 17 seconds. At 18 seconds picture yourself doing the ideal job and hold that for 17 more seconds. At 35 seconds while picturing your self doing the ideal job, start to feel the emotion that doing that job might bring like joy and hold that for 17 more seconds. At 52 seconds add the final step to it all fishing the scenario in your mind. The sense of relief that you have a steady paycheck now would be a good example and hold that for the final 17 seconds. There you have it you have emotionally tied the affirmation to you and now it is just more than words.

From here you will go on to say the affirmation daily or whenever you wish and the true impact of the whole thing will always be with you. This is really powerful stuff!

I hope that our further exploration will further enhance everyone's experience!

Have a great day sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I Am Therefore I Am

Happy Tuesday Fairy World Inhabitors!

It is time to explore another day with the fairies.

As I have told everyone before, when I pick a card each day, I was what the collective We needs to know. Then I shuffle three times and draw a card. After that I blog about the card I draw. Today's card is Express Your Individuality.

This card has the main meaning "Allow your true self to shine because you are awesome!"

We have seen this card before. We have discussed it at length. So now my question to you is, Who still isn't on board? Obviously someone still needs help with this one!

I can give you many examples on how to carry out the expression part. We have talked about hair color, clothing and even nail polish. So that is not the problem. I think where we are lacking is in the knowing you are awesome part!

You are you know and so am I! That is just what makes us us...our awesomeness. (Watch me butcher grammar as well as basic English) There is a saying about an arrogant or conceited person that "they believe their own press too much." But what about those that don't believe it at all? And the other question is why?

I do not believe that there is a textbook answer to the question. Simply some feel they are not worthy. No one can change that but each individual themselves. The rest of us can lend support!

Everyone is AWESOME and I love you all! There is my support!

So everyone, look in the mirror and tell yourself how awesome you are! And mean it!

Have a great day and sprinkle on the fairy dust!

Go Outside Already!!

Happy Monday to all the Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today were are being reminded that we are not spending enough time outside. Today's card is Connect with Nature. The main message is "You're rejuvenated and inspired by spending time outdoors."

Here in the Chicago area, it is finally almost warm today. At 9:00 am it was 71, which is just amazing as I think it only was that warm one day the entire last week.

So this rant about the weather equates to this, we need to go outside. Cut the lawn, weed, plant, just sit in the grass and enjoy the many wonderful gifts that nature provides to us.

So head on out and enjoy! Our days with this part of the season are numbered and you would not want to be sorry that you missed them!

Enjoy outside and sprinkle the fairy dust around! It always makes it better!

Friday, June 12, 2009

I'd Like to Teach the World...

Good Friday to all of the Fairy World Inhabitors!

This week certainly made swift business of itself!

Today we have a card that is totally new Spiritual Teacher. It's main meaning is " Your life purpose involves teaching others about healing and spirituality."

Well, this is certainly an interesting proposition! Have we really ever considered ourselves spiritual teachers? I mean we are always receiving messages from Spirit and we should be conveying them, but the teaching aspect I never considered.

The guidebook suggests we could give lectures or be a paid counselor. I do not know about you, but that is not my speed either. I think for me personally, I would rather teach healing from God through my art. My creations could probably speak louder and more profoundly than just simple words.

I love beautiful things and my prayer is that I continue to create beautiful things that speak to others about love, hope, faith and peace. I pray that my creations convey the very essence of God.

I think that we can all approach this teaching idea with a level of comfort for each of us. We can find our own little niche to convey our message.

So now, please take some quiet time and ask God to be your muse. The fairies will help with this to. Set your goals in mind and lay out your ideas. Pray for the assistance to make your message sing out in your own special way! I am sure that not only will we reach others, but the fulfillment that we all will feel will be overwhelming and lovely!

Have a great day and add fairy dust, it always makes it better!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Are What We Eat!?!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today we are taking another look at a familiar card, Dietary Change. You might remember that it's main meaning is "Improve your diet and your life will also improve." We spoke about this card before here.

We all know in theory how to eat right. We know that we should avoid excess sugar, fats and junk food. We should actually be more on our game than that and also be really aware of what foods we have a sensitivity to and avoid them as well. Okay those are the knowns. What about the unknowns?

What are the unknowns? They are the triggers that cause us to cast our sensibilities aside and grab the bag of Hershey's Chocolate and chips. Or make that late night snack run.

We call them comfort foods. It may be sugar, salt or carbs. They make us feel better. Maybe the even release some dopamine in our systems that ultimately give us calm. It also has something to do with the fight or flight response that we naturally have. Okay we know what causes it all this is mainly stress. The question is how to combat it.

Why do we get stressed? Things don't go our way. People do not react as we think they should. We are not happy with ourselves. Lots of things, sure. Why so many?

I think we just have to take each possible situation apart and be proactive. If you get stressed with too many things to do and are always running late. Well plan better. If you are not happy with how people act, don't approach them. If you are not happy with yourself, you have to learn to love yourself!

I know it is easy for me to say and I have to spend a lot of time heeding my own advice, but all these things we can avoid mostly. When we cannot, we can teach ourselves to cope and react way better, without the pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Putting this all into play keeps us calm and the dopamine gets release on a steady basis.

Okay so we know what to do, let's go apply it!

Sprinkle your day with lot's of fairy dust!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Something New, Something Old

Happy Day!

Today we are taking another look at the card Business Venture. This card's meaning is "Trust and follow through on a new business venture."

If you are anything like me you are always looking for something new. I once joked that I wish I could sell my ideas. But I do know my self well enough to know that if I am looking for something me, I am bored with what I have started. So what brings on boredom?

The very meaning of this card gives us insight to this. Trust. The guidebook says we should trust our intuition with respect to our career/business. I think that is the key. We still do not trust ourselves.

We do not believe that what we have come up with is great. We make a small effort and the world doesn't set on fire so it is no good. Lack of trust. I know the ins and outs of this situation personally. Knowing the problem is halfway to the solution. So how do we fix it?

I can say believe in ourselves and that is very true and very textbook. I think this time we need more than a self induced cheering section. We have to go back to the drawing board and create and create and create. We have to push ourselves so far that our work will not even seem like work. It will be a glorious exercise of our creativity and individuality. The outcome of this will be an end product that will exemplify our very being in all of its magnificence for all to see.

Okay Let's Get To It! and sprinkle on the fairy dust it always makes better!

The Key to Healing

Greetings Fairy World Inhabitors!

Time for a weekend of rest and relaxation!

Today we have drawn the card Emotional Healing. The card gives us the message..."As you heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love."

This card and its' meaning raises the question just how do we deal with past hurts?

We really have two options. We either let it be and see the whole thing take over our lives or we can confront the situation and deal with it head on.

At least by facing the situation head on we had the opportunity to put it to rest. And this does not always mean calling a person up, the "wrong doer" and reading them the riot act. This could be something as simple as keeping a journal and letting all your emotions and feeling spill out within the pages that are yours alone.

Should you feel really comfortable with doing so then by all means, discuss the situation with the other party if possible. The thing you have to remember is that you have to be prepared to hear what the other person has to say about the whole thing. You could get any response from them not even realizing that they have hurt your feelings to hearing that you might have actually caused them pain as well.

Whatever method you choose, the key to healing is getting it out, in one form or another and letting it go. We cannot let past hurts rule our life. We have so much more living to do than existing under the shadow of past hurts.

So think about it and let it all out!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

5 Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today we picked a card called Travel. It's main meaning is "An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways."

The guide book talks about vacations and job change and moving, that sort of obvious travel type things and then one thing caught my eye. Step out of your comfort zone.

Leaving our comfort zone can very well be a trip. It causes us to think and act and live differently than what we are used to. The results can be interesting. But even further we have to consider why we do have this comfort zone.

Well for one, the name speaks for itself...it's comfortable. It is the place where we can exist without question. The flip side of the comfort zone is we get complacent and stagnant. Like water sitting in a jar, covered and never shook we get old and moldy!

So let's shake things up! Here are 5 ways to expand your comfort zone.

1. For 7 days include one food per day that you don't eat. Pick something good. Pick something that you'd normally pass up. See if your tastes have changed.
2. Pick out a new polish and wear it. Something out of the ordinary. If you are a pink person go with a red or an orange. Or be really daring and go for blue!
3. Wear that shirt. You know the one that you bought on a whim and now cannot see what you were thinking? Take it out of the closet and show it some life. There was a reason it caught your eye in the first place.
4. Read something different. If you are used to and obsessed with reading a particular genre, it is time to change up. Explore mysteries, romances, historical or even (gasp) flip to non-fiction!
5. Say hello to a stranger every day for a week. You will be making their day and you might meet some new friends.

These five tasks might seem silly and sort of old hat. They were not intended to be difficult. They are meant for you to experience some new things. As you try these thing you will find that your comfort zone will expand and your life will be fuller!

Take the trip it will be fun!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Life is Too Short!

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that all is well since my last post!

I am straying away from my usual procedures for a simple message today. Life is Too Short!

Now, we all say it and deep in our hearts we all know it, but I really do not think that we act on it. We don't do things enough. Laugh enough, love enough, live enough. Instead we live with the triplets, woulda, coulda, shoulda. Know them?

Death occurs everyday and you know that we are all going to die at sometime. That is the given. The saying "The only things that you have to do in life are die and pay taxes" comes to mind. But that is not totally true. We have to live. We have to do more than exist!

I know that living hurts sometimes and it is not the most pleasant experience yet not living, really living we miss so much more. The intensity of the joy that living brings by far outweighs the pain that life throws at us occasionally!

Savor each moment. Make living that delicious meal that you just cannot push away until each bite is devoured, and then order the dessert!

When we are born we know two things. We are to live and we are to die. The details and timing of dying are out of our hands. The details of the living are what our lives should be about!

Have a great day sprinkle with fairy dust! It make the living more sparkly!