Thursday, April 30, 2009

I've Gotta Be Me

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Early start today, let's hit the ground running, shall we?

Today's card is Awakening Your True Self. The card's main meaning is "You're beginning to recover your natural identity, including your old sense of humor, interests, passions, and desires. Trust that any confusion or changes you're currently experiencing are part of your healthful evolution."

You know it's funny. As far as we have come in the past few months, discovering all these new things via the fairies and we did not really know what we were missing. Ourselves!

According to the guide book for these cards, while we have been making great strides, we were getting caught up in someone else's idea of a life. Interesting. So now in the midst of all this the "old" us is back and she is ready to kick butt! We are like spring tulips that are breaking ground and are ready to bloom. Same type of tulips as last year, but much more vibrant somehow.

This brings to mind a song with the words that are very fitting:

I've Gotta Be Me

Whether I'm right or whether I'm wrong
Whether I find a place in this world or never belong
I gotta be me, I've gotta be me
What else can I be but what I am

I want to live, not merely survive
And I won't give up this dream
Of life that keeps me alive
I gotta be me, I gotta be me
The dream that I see makes me what I am

That far-away prize, a world of success
Is waiting for me if I heed the call
I won't settle down, won't settle for less
As long as there's a chance that I can have it all

I'll go it alone, that's how it must be
I can't be right for somebody else
If I'm not right for me
I gotta be free, I've gotta be free
Daring to try, to do it or die
I've gotta be me

Today's affirmation "I now give myself permission to be my true self."

Have a great day. Be yourself. Don't forget the fairy dust!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Living Up to Your Standards

Hello Fairy Friends!

I hope all is well with all of you in my absence!

Today we have the card Raising Your Standards. The card's meaning is: "Don't settle for less than your dreams. Once you make the commitment to manifest an improved situation, the Universe will find a way to deliver it to you."

This is an interesting card. The guide book suggests that deep down we know the life we want to live and we keep selling ourselves short with our negative "I can't...", "I don't deserve...", and "It will never happen." I have a saying in my house, "If your think it's gonna's gonna suck!"

I guess it is all about our level of expectation. Our standards. Do we expect the most out of ourselves or are we expecting to fail? Or do we cop to the attitude that others don't give us their personal best so why should we?

This is a fine line to walk on because are we striving to our personal best, our highest standards for ourselves or others? The answer should be ourselves. Hands down. (Even though I forget myself..often!) And also, do we have high standards because we want to be boastful about it or just because that is the way we live our lives? Told you it was a fine line. lol

Our lives are interesting things to navigate. We can do it naturally, if we would just allow ourselves. Our hearts know what to do. But somehow we let that little gremlin, our ego take over and suddenly it is all for naught. Our lives then go in two different directions. Either we become bitchy (for the lack of a better word) and competitive and end up burning ourselves out trying to navigate the rough waters. Or we just give, convincing ourselves that we will never be good enough for anything and at some point we just stop trying.

I think we forget that either version mentioned above is not life. Life should be down the middle. Down the middle doesn't mean the it is the perfect straight path, because we would not learn our lessons that way. But down the middle means that we steer through our journey with the confidence that any obstacles can and will be handled with the grace and dexterity of the persons that we are. We know what we can achieve and we do. This emanates from us onto others, giving them the confidence to do the same thing in their lives.

We essentially become mentors, guides for each other. We show each other that life, a successful, prosperous life can be lived without all the turmoil.

I think that we all forget what we could have, what we should have. The glorious life of our dreams!

So think about, pray about and leave your heart open. Everything is right there ahead and we don't have to sacrifice our very selves to have it all. We just have to live up to our standards!

Today's affirmation is "I deserve and expect the best in life. I hold high standards for myself."

Have a wonderful day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Harmony in The Family

Good Day to my Fairy World Friends!

Hope to the sun is shining in your corner of this fair fairy world!

Today's card straddles a subject that a lot of people just do not want to deal with. The card is Family Harmony. The card's main meaning is "Your relationships with family members are healing. As you hold loving thoughts and feelings about the souls involved (including yourself), you experience genuine harmony within your family."

Well if this isn't a powder keg. In fact without details, this card hits so close to home that I almost spit out my coffee when I drew it! lol

I cannot imagine a family unit on the face of this very beautiful earth that does not have at least one member that is the outcast/troublemaker. By the very nature of the human personality, we are not built to be all best friends. Even if we do share DNA or a last name. It is just not possible/practical. Having said all that how do we cope?

I do not know if there is a solid answer to this one at all. Actually if we had the perfect answer, we would solve world peace. World Peace!?! How does family interaction relate to the whole wide world being peaceful? Need I remind you about the Hatfields and the McCoys?

The thing that I am trying on for size right now is the acknowledgment that that everyone is different. Okay so? We have to accept their differences with us and acknowledge their right do run their lives in a manner other than we run ours. We don't have to like it. We don't have to approve. But we do have to accept. (Like I said, this is new for me too!)

"So I have to accept Uncle Harold is more rambunctious than the rest of us and always hits us for money, and he should have to be a regular for Sunday dinner?" Yes and No

Yes you have to accept that is how he chooses to run his life. Might not be what you would choose, but it is still his choice. and No, he doesn't have to have a seat at the table every week, maybe even never. Whom you have in your home and how you run your life is your choice.

You know, there is another side to this whole thing. The family members that we do not exactly care for probably think our life is nuts as well. That thought actually cracks me up! But it really rings true, especially the ones that are so polar opposite of us. How could they have a relative that is so boring and mundane? Who doesn't belch in the middle of dinner like a three year old? If they are smart, they can accept that our choices are different as well.

Acceptance without judgment is the key to this all I think. We accept that they choose a different life from us and they accept that we choose a different life from theirs. And while we might not be frequent dinner guests at each others houses, at least when we interact, it will not be as stressful.

So this is a lot to mull over, but I think we can do it!

Today's affirmation "I see the goodness within each member of my family. My family life is harmonious and filled with joy."

Have a great day, sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Leading Up To Earth Day

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I think it's gonna be a great day, here in our fairy world.

Today we have the card Environmental Awareness. Something a little unusual. The card's main message is " The fairy kingdom is very concerned with the health of Mother Earth. By drawing this card, the fairies are recruiting you to become involved in environmental matters."

With Earth Day tomorrow could this be anymore appropriate?

This planet is all we have. The only real place for sustainable life. I get that there is the space station and the possibilities of Mars. But I am just partial to life here.

With the season changing I can begin to look forward to another attempt at a backyard garden. While beginning to make my plans, I can across different options for chemical free gardening, including natural pest control. Here is an article that details what flowers to plant among vegetables, that will attract insects that eat the other insects that kill your veggies. It is pretty cool. You can also use other natural resources like sprays make from home ingredients to take care of the pests. More info can be found here.

Gardening, renewing nature is just one option, just keep your area free from debris is a great place to start. Turn off lights and all that fun stuff helps. We all have to pitch in!

So let's love Mother Earth and all her glorious inhabitants! Us.

Today's affirmation is "It feels good to nurture my planet with loving care."

Pick up some litter and have a great day..sprinkled with fairy dust!

Monday, April 20, 2009

We're In The Money!

Good Morning Fellow Fairy Folk!

Happy Monday to you all! It's a little rainy here and a bit chilly, but I am sure that it will be a fantastic day!

Today's card is Financial Flow. The card's meaning is "You have manifested a new sense of abundance to your life. Any financial blocks have successfully been removed, and you are now in the flow of increased prosperity. Congratulations!"

Talk about a great message for the start of the week! We're in the Money!

The guide book suggests that our finances are moving up to a new level. See that we all cannot be lottery winners, we have to go on the assumption that all of our hard work is paying off and our individual endeavors are paying off.

For those of us that may not feel that they deserve any kind of increase please, embrace it! For those of us are tired and losing faith, remind yourself that you deserve it...we all do!

Be proud, feel good. This card means that we are doing all the right things!

Today's affirmation "I am financially secure, I am supported abundantly today, and every day in my future."

Enjoy our super Monday, sprinkled with fairy dust of course!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Being True to Ourselves

Happy Saturday Fairy World!

Today we are looking even deeper into a subject with the card Be Honest With Yourself. The card's main message is "This card indicates that you're hiding your true feelings and aren't forthright about an important topic. The fairies urge you to admit your true feelings to yourself."

We have a tough family time going on right now and while this situation has been brewing for a really longtime, I am finally able to digest, think, ponder and come to conclusions that I am okay with. The cool thing is that even in this small time, have come to those conclusions about my feelings has lifted a weight off of other things. It allows me to look at other things with slightly different eyes. It is very liberating actually!

So what about you? What situation are you just stashing in the back of your heart, leaving to fester. That is what it does you know, it festers and grows and grows and feeds the ego and suddenly it is not your true self that is in the driver's seat, but your wounded ego looking for comfort and revenge in its own way. Where do you think the saying misery loves company comes from?

So take a hard look at things and call it like you see it. It's okay, say it out loud in a room that you are just in. Sometimes the first step to action/acceptance is saying the words out loud. Try them on for size. See how they fit. Feel how it will be to change things if they don't. Act on it!
Just remember that the ego is in play here as well, so heed your actions carefully not to strike out at another. Walk that fine line.

In the end, you will feel better and everything will seem easier to deal with. Good luck!

Today's affirmation is "It's safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love.

Enjoy your day...sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Givin' It Up To God!

Good Morning My Fairy Friends,

Today we have an interesting card in Letting Go. The card's main message is "You aren't receiving positive results because you're struggling too much to solve the problem. By letting go, you're opening yourself up to a miraculous resolution."

The guide book gives us further insight. "Problems are caused by human thinking and action. That's why problems aren't solved by additional human thinking and action. When we think hard or struggle to resolve a crisis, things can actually get worse."

Boy haven't we all been in that situation? More so, let's look at what is going on in our current lives and see how this applies right now. How do we solve out problem? Give it up to God! Easier said than done though. Because at some point faith comes into play. Blind faith and trust. We have to say "Please God help" and not give a further thought to the situation. I do not know about you, I have a hard time not having my hand in everything. But I guess it is what got me in trouble in the first place! lol

So I leave you with today's affirmation, "I am willing to surrender this situation to my Creator right now. When I let go, everything turns out perfectly."

Have a great day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Friends

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope that your day is progressing well!

Today's card is Making New Friends. The main message is "Your circle of friends and acquaintances is shifting to a higher frequency. Old friends may part ways, and new people are entering your life."

I have different friendships, well different groups of friends. I think we all do, we keep them in compartments that we call on during different situations. Very rarely do we mix those compartments as it would be like the difference between a heap of crazy mixed up shoes and ones that are all lined up in pairs. I do the crazy sometimes, but I much prefer the pairs.

It has just been my experience that no matter what significance any particular friend has in your life, putting two separate groups together does not end well. The inside jokes are not the same, you can never spread the attention properly and the vibe is wrong. I have felt the same way when a friend has invite me to be amongst their other friends. A lot of times it just doesn't work.

You know what? It's okay!! We move, we change and our needs are different at different times. That is part of life. Better yet that is part of the life experience. As we grow, spiritually and emotionally we resonate to others. I change the type of reading I do every so often, why wouldn't my taste in company change as well?

I called it the life experience and that is exactly what it is. Remember our basic rules? Be good to yourself, be good to others, learn the lessons and take notes and love God. Well this question of friendships applies to all of the rules.

Be good to yourself-it is always nice to be around like minded people and have pleasant conversations.

Be good to others-it is always nice to be pleasant to people and have pleasant conversations.

Learn the lessons and take note-we are drawn to people and people are drawn to us for a particular reason. Whatever the reason it, we learn a lesson from it and teach a lesson is well. We just have to pay attention.

Love God-Remember the movie scenario? God is the cool studio executive? He steers us to new situations to make the above happen. It is our choice if we take heed. But I just Love God for looking out for me in that way!

When I was a kid I would go to Pioneer Girls, the Baptist version of Girl Scouts. I learned a song there.."Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold".

This is so true we always have our friends, they should always be precious to us for however they have enriched our lives. We should keep in mind that while friendships drift away, like silver and gold tarnish, we can always reconnect even briefly, like you can polish silver and gold. But if we discard a friendship, burn a bridge like throwing out the tarnished coin, we will never get that back.

Today's affirmation "I am always grateful for my wonderfully supportive and loving friends."

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Am My Own Best Friend

Ahhh... Another day in our Fairy World!

Today's card is Self-Reliance. The card's main meaning is "You are your own best friend, and you can provide for yourself emotionally and physically."

This card is so important for so many of us because, while we all seem to be on this journey trying to find our true selves, we are forgetting the journey begins every morning with the person in the mirror.

Why don't we rely on ourselves more? Not the "screw it, I don't need anyone" type of relying, but just that confident sense of self, knowing that the best person we should turn to is ourselves?

We don't trust ourselves, I guess. We think the inner voice is lying. We don't think that we are that strong. Funny thing is that others who observe us more than likely know we are, but we fail to see it. We struggle to gain our strength from outside sources, almost making ourselves dependent on something else, when we have it already. I have read somewhere (I cannot find the reference, but will keep looking) that says "We have all that we need, right inside of us." The search should be over, dear fairy friends, because the answers are all right here!

If you read my other blog, you know I am a Twitter fan. I was skimming this morning and here is a tweet from my twitter friend @CoachCharrise “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than u believe, and stronger than u seem, and smarter than u think." Chris Robin to Pooh

What perfect timing and perfect thoughts! Thank you!

So let's look at today's affirmation which is "I am tuned in to my inner source of direction. I confidently rely upon this inner source to guide me perfectly."

So have a wonderful day, my fairy friends sprinkled with fairy dust!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Powerful Than..

Good Day Fellow Fairy World Inhabitors!

Rise and shine as it is going to be a day filled with wonder!

First I want to draw your attention to the right hand column that has a new additional to our blog. We are now selling our fairy treasures on Artfire. our store address is But more exciting than that is that via the Artfire box you can purchase things right off of our blog! So when you just have to have a delightful fairy treasure, click on the picture and check out and it will be on it's merry way to you! You can also browse our complete studio on Artfire via any picture. Another reason we chose Artfire is for you, our customers. Artfire does not require you to set up an account to purchase. Just a simole check out!

Onto our card of the day. Today we have picked Inner Power. The card's main meaning is "You are now allowing yourself to experience and express your true power. The fairies ask you to affirm "It is safe for me to be powerful!""

Essentially we are at the top of our game! We have prayed and asked to be revealed our true selves and here is our unveiling. We have all the power of the Universe to help others and to prosper in our own lives. The key, high self-esteem, believing that we are worthy and having no fear of this power. We have a strong inner voice and it is that we should follow.

The next sentence could be "take advantage of this" but I don't think that taking advantage is the right frame of mind to be in. This is not a manipulation. What we have is a state of being. We stay at the top of the game. We help others. We always end up in the right place regardless. Enjoy it as this is our lives!!

So with all that we have today's affirmation "It is safe for me to be powerful! I have all the power of the Universe flowing through me and supporting me."

Have a great day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Monday, April 13, 2009

We Are Seeing Clearly

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

It's Monday. Time to start our week out in the best possible manner!

Today's card is Visualization. It's main meaning is "Your clairvoyance, your dreams, and pictures in your mind's eye are becoming more clear and powerful. This card asks you to trust and to develop your visual skills, and to use them in conscious manifestation."

The guidebook gives us further instructions, telling us to take some time each day, sitting quietly and picture our lives healthy, happy and abundant. Make the pictures clear and precise. If you focus on things you do not want, you will manifest them as well.

The fairies want us to know that clairvoyance and visualization are safe and powerful tools to use in our lives.

Today's affirmation is "It is safe for me to see. I am a very visual person."

Visualize wonderful things. Have a great day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stay Focused Regardless

Good Morning Fairy World Citizens!

Hope your day is starting out well.

Today we have the card Positive Expectations. This card's message is "Keep up your hopes, dreams, affirmations, visualizations, and prayers, as they will be wonderfully manifested right now. Don't quit five minutes before the miracle occurs!"

Yeah! I love the positive re-enforcement!

I have been a little off for the past few days, the perpetual cold/flu/whatever has reared it's ugly head in my house, mainly with me. Today I am feeling better, but now comes the quiet times when I think about the to-do list in my head for the week with so little checked off, it well, riles me up some. Probably panic is more like it.

So given this state of near panic, this card was a pleasant reminder to me that all is gonna be okay! My dreams have not changed at all, the vessel of the dreams was a little tarnished, that's all.

So for all of you who might be feeling just not right, or suffering from the frustration that things may not seem to be moving, let's remember today's affirmation, "I am safe, confident, and secure. I feel joyful about my future."

Have an awesome day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

We All Need A Vacation!!!!

Well Fairy World Inhabitors,

Since it is almost mid-day, welcome to the rest of your day. I hope your morning has been productive.

To we will talk about the card Vacation. This card's main focus is "You need a break from routines and stressful situations. This card urges you to take time for yourself so that you can rest and renew."

Truer words have not been spoken.

Vacation does not have to long or expensive, just a break from your regular routine. I guess in theory, it could even be a day in the backyard without the cellphone!

We need to recharge so we are fresh and ready to go. Vacation!!!!

The guide book tells us the Fairies vacation often. They go off and visit other fairy glens and see new sights. Apparently there really is a Vacationland for fairies!

So set sometime and refresh yourself. We all need it!

Today's Affirmation is "I give myself permission to regularly rest and relax, knowing that by being revitalized, I am happier and more productive."

Enjoy the rest of your day, sprinkled with fairy dust!!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Do We Have to Fear?

Good Day Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope your day is progressing as you wish!

Today's card is Miracle Healing. The card's main meaning is "Expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."

Today's affirmation is "In truth, everything and everyone, including myself, is healed right now. I focus on this truth, instead of an illusion of fear."

The guidebook suggest that we are tired of contemplating the situation, whatever it is. And if we say essentially, "God, I am tired, please take care of this. Thank you" God will. And I truly believe that.

Now there is a lesson in every situation, at least that is my belief and the lesson is in the affirmation. Focus on truth, instead of the illusion of fear.

Fear is definitely an illusion. Fear is when a small idea starts in the brain and goes totally out of control. Fear is what drives the ego.

An inflamed ego is a dangerous thing because it leads to "I am not good enough" "I am not pretty enough", "I am too fat", "I am too thin", "I don't measure up!" And the insanity grows on and on until it has infected every part of one's being. All illusions! But what do they stem from? Where do they start?

I believe it is our personal failure to know and love our true selves. All the above named fears are based on a measuring stick that we hold up to others. But what makes them special? Why are our examples of perfect the be all end all? Somehow we have covered over the true person underneath. That gem we keep piling dirt on instead of taking out and polishing daily. Why is this?

I guess we can blame it on society and the standards that it sets for us as human beings. That may be true but when exactly did we decide that we could not stand out? When we all decide to become lemmings?

Suggesting that one embraces their true self should not be considered rebellion either. It is not bucking the system, it is being a stream, our stream, not main stream. My stream might zig zag right and left, but that is okay because it is mine!

If we all follow that basic teachings that are their to guide our lives, Be good to yourself, Be good to others, Love God, Take notes and learn the lessons along the way, what does it matter in which direction we go? Seriously, pink hair, purple hair, blonde hair. What is the difference if it is yours?

It has been said that most wars including the ones that we are currently involved with are fought over religion or religious beliefs. I think we need to boil it down a little further. All these conflicts were engaged in out of fear. Fear of being different than the other.

Know our true selves! Embrace our true selves! We have nothing to fear! Alas, we have our miracle healing! Sprinkled with fairy dust of course.

Love your selves, love each other. Enjoy your day!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Breaking Free

Good Morning to All in Fairy World!

How are you this fine Spring morning? If you are in our area (Chicago) are you just diggin the white stuff all over? Stinky!

Okay, let's get down to business. Today's card is Breaking Free. The main thought for the card is "Do you feel trapped in some life area? This card asks you to take the first step in freeing yourself from any unnatural restrictions."

I am feeling today that with this card we have to look at the big picture. Considering our current socioeconomic situation, aren't we all breaking free? In some way?

Now, I know that a lot of people are facing dire straights and I am by no means making light but in the end somewhere down the line are we gonna be in a better place?

I do not have the stats at hand, but since this all started the amount of people taking classes to obtain their GED has rose dramatically. People retraining for new careers, things that they never thought they had time to try are doing it. Parents that were not able to see their kids due to work schedules are now at home with them. Kids are learning to be more family orientated and not just look for the next cool toy to amuse them. People are reading more!

This time in our society is a kick in the gut, no doubt. But as we have spoken of before, every cloud has a silver lining and made bring broken free from this crazy on the go, over worked, over spending society is the reward indeed!

Have a great day with lots of fairy dust!

Friday, April 3, 2009

That Little You Inside

Good Morning My Friends!

Welcome to a great Friday in our fairy world!

Today I picked an interesting card, Inner Child. The main message for this card is "Just as you take care of small children by listening to them, playing with them, and hugging them, so does your inner child yearn for nurturing. This card also asks you to have patience with yourself, as you are growing and maturing at your own pace."

The guide book suggest we should see ourselves as the perfect us, as we are children of God. Looking beyond our perceived flaws, what a concept!

This is interesting to me because in this commercial society we are bombarded with messages, things we should do for ourselves, buy for ourselves, acquire for ourselves because we deserve them. The essence of their message is true, we do deserve the best life we can make for ourselves, but where their message is flawed is that retail therapy is not the answer!

My kids do all kinds of things when they want attention. The usual occurs, they talk louder, ignoring any other conversation that might be taking place, maybe scream, maybe even start some other commotion with one of the others just to make them front and center. I know what they are doing and their actions are dually noted, with me as a parent trying to walk that fine line of not having the child feel neglected but also giving them a sense of self so that center of attention is not so important. Fine line, more like tightrope and no net!

Anyway, looking at our inner child, I think as individuals we are more brutal. We tend to push back, ignoring it's needs, pleads and cries. We actually try to squelch all existence of that child at all. We are forgetting who the child is!

Children need to exercise, mentally and physically. They need time to explore and an environment to do so and activities that will stimulate them. They have a natural creativity that has to be unleashed. That all being said, what about our inner child? Do we create a situation that our "little" us can thrive in or have we just shut it in the closet, feeding when necessary?

I think that freeing our inner child is akin to know our true selves. Simply that is it.

So let us take time to nurture the "little" us more, read more, contemplate more, enjoy more. We deserve it! Sprinkled with fairy dust of course!

Today's affirmation "I invest in myself by taking regular time to let go, play, and have fun."

Enjoy your Friday!

Thursday, April 2, 2009



Are you having a good, fairy dust filled day? I hope so!

Today. I drew the card Laughter. The card's main message is "Every cloud not only has a silver lining, but it also has a humorous side. Try to objectively stand back from your situations and find a humorous twist. Laughter will help you see your life from a new perspective so that you can receive creative insights and solutions."

You know, I have always laughed especially when I am nervous or uncomfortable. I also find that this is unnerving to some people, like the nurses in the ER when we were in a car accident last year. I can now clearly see, that this laughter is my true self, looking, no searching that silver lining! Yeah!

I was taking an online survey last night and one question asked me to describe my ideal relationship in three words. My first was fun. What I meant by fun was lighthearted interaction, laughter.

So take a look today at anything and try to see the humor. But remember there is a fine line between humor and sarcasm!

Today's affirmation is "I find humor in life and I laugh easily."

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust with glee!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

That's My Story and I Am Sticking To It!

Hello Fairy World Friends!

Onto a bright new day!

Today's card is Stand Your Ground. The card's main message is "The fairies ask you to make decisions based upon your honest feelings. Stick to these decisions, and don't allow outside decisions, and don't allow outside influences to cause you to waver."

Standing your ground is an equal to knowing yourself, your true self. I put it that way because we are all guilty of letting our egos act as our true selves. The more our egos are wounded, the more off kilter we become. So when we stand our ground, is it because we "know", the natural instinct or are we functioning from a place of ego that has to be right? Sometimes it is a hard distinction to make. At least I find it that way.

We have to make that split second decision every time where the origin of our feelings lie. Quite a task for sure, but it should get easier as we do it more.

I think that today's affirmation says it best, "I speak my truth powerfully and lovingly. I trust in my strong feelings, and stand my ground in following them."

Have a wonderful day sprinkled with fairy dust!