Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that you are enjoying this fine Tuesday!

Today I am skipping the cards, because I have a definite message in me. That is being grateful, the state of gratitude.

Now I know that if someone asked you to list say ten things that you were grateful, it would be easy, you might name your family, your house, your employment, maybe even pets that love you unconditionally. You know what, these are all wonderful things. Truly they are. But there is something missing. We have to be grateful for the garbage as well.

Shocking that I would even suggest it, but it is totally true. Every last, kick you in the butt and spit in your eye event that has happened in your life you should be grateful for.


Well, for starters you were alive during all of those events. And you may have come out bruised and maybe a little scarred, but you came out of it.

But the bigger factor with all this is the great wealth of personal knowledge that each event gave you. Nothing, absolutely nothing passes through our lives without it being a lesson to us. That is a fact.

So if you had too many hot peppers on a dare, you learned a lesson what a lot of spicy food does to your stomach. File that away. If you have encountered great crowds and a long wait for coffee in the morning, you have learned that you should make other arrangements. Lesson learned. File that away. If you have learned that in the past your two year old melts down when he eats red food coloring and screams in stores, you do your best to take the red away. Lesson learned. File that away.

With all that being said, think about the little things that happen, the annoying occurrences that come up and their lesson is not that prevalent. Think about the things that it might be keeping you from.

You see you can approach any situation that has had an unpleasant outcome in your life and somehow see some redeeming quality about the whole thing. Then my friends you know you are on the right track.

So when you say your prayers and give thanks for every single event in your life, daily, good or unpleasant. Somehow, in their own way, they are making our lives fuller and furthering us along on this journey we call life.

Have a great day!

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