Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors,
I hope you have woke well rested from your sleep, perhaps with the memory of a few magical dreams?
Today my quiet time with the fairies led me to draw the card
Be Yourself. The main thought on the card is
"This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power". Well, if that is not a whole bunch to digest!
Merriam-Webster defines authentic as true to one's own personality, spirit or character. I guess we have to explore who we are to see if we are being true.
So Who am I? Well, I am a loving wife, mother, daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, step-mother, cousin, niece and granddaughter. I am a good friend, though I do not have a lot of friends. I am a caring human being. At times I am opinionated and I get frustrated when everyone else does not see my point of view a brilliant. I am creative and I have a great sense of humor. But these are all character traits, are they the make up of the whole of my spirit? Maybe...
You know, it just occurred to me that I could continue to pick myself apart, almost be overly critical about myself but I am much more than my flaws. I am much more than I probably realize. I am a work in progress. And maybe I cannot define all that makes me up, I just know that I am.
This is like a breakthrough moment for me and perhaps for you. Why do we label? Are we searching for our personal definition that makes us what we are? Should we not realize that we create that definition. That we need no definition. Go with the flow and not only accept where it brings us but bask in it. Enjoy it!
Yesterday on my
personal blog, I spoke of the fact that I am having a hard time taking on the "artist" label with my work, that right now I prefer "designer". Essentially it really does not matter. I make cool stuff! Some cooler than others, but cool none-the-less. (Which will be in my personal etsy shop soon, stay tuned).
So to sum this whole thing up...JUST BE! And embrace being. Fairies do. They love being fairies. You do not see them trying to mold themselves into something they aren't. They are fairies and they love it!
You know when I sit down and start writing, I truly do not know where this will take us. It is sort of interesting to see where we end up. Then it all just click and the words pour from my hands. Thanks for reading along.
To all I wish a good day of just being and remember It's A Fairy World!