Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label positive. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Positve Thoughts

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope all is going well for all of you!

Today we talking about the card Affirmations again. The card's main message is "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."

Okay, so we have established what affirmations are and how really important they are to this whole process called life. I have shared affirmations that I have seen and I have written a few myself, they are really merely vehicles for the true feeling that we are trying to convey. But what comes next? And what do we do if they do not seem to be working?

Affirmations are best used when they deliver laser sharp focus on a particular situation. Sure we can use general ones like "I am receiving more abundance" or "My life is filled with love." These are both great things to draw to you. But abundance for instance might take form in more flowers in your front yard. They would be beautiful, but if you are looking for a job, you need a little more than flowers. So being a little more specific could really enhance the situation, like using "I am receiving abundance through job offers." The difference might be subtle, but way more powerful.

We have now established what the affirmations should be and we can chant them over and over to ourselves, but that is not the most effective use of our energies either. We have to be focused, really really focused!

I was listening to a seminar by Abraham-Hicks this morning. And one of the main points was holding our focus on our affirmations and what we desire. It is their theory that we cannot manifest our desires if we are not, even for a brief time, "living" our end result and we cannot do that if we do not focus.

So here is the exercise. First start with the affirmation, for example "I am receiving abundance through job offers" and hold that thought for 17 seconds. At 18 seconds picture yourself doing the ideal job and hold that for 17 more seconds. At 35 seconds while picturing your self doing the ideal job, start to feel the emotion that doing that job might bring like joy and hold that for 17 more seconds. At 52 seconds add the final step to it all fishing the scenario in your mind. The sense of relief that you have a steady paycheck now would be a good example and hold that for the final 17 seconds. There you have it you have emotionally tied the affirmation to you and now it is just more than words.

From here you will go on to say the affirmation daily or whenever you wish and the true impact of the whole thing will always be with you. This is really powerful stuff!

I hope that our further exploration will further enhance everyone's experience!

Have a great day sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Paging Patience

Good Morning Fairy World!

It is Friday! Yeah! Getting ready for the 3 day weekend!

Today's card is Patience, Please. This card's main message is "What you're asking for is coming about. Have patience, as there are unseen factors that need to occur first."

They say that patience is a virtue. And good things come to those who wait. These are both very good philosophies, but boy are they hard to master!

I guess we encounter the need for patience from birth. We have to learn to wait for the birthdays, the arrival of Santa Claus and being bigger to do the next cool thing that we want to do. And the waiting is never easy. It is long and drawn out and okay, torture on some level. But really what other choice to we have to do but wait?

There is a flipside to all that though. Having patience pays off. Always. When does your birthday never come? When is there a time that Santa doesn't visit your house on Christmas Eve? And that special thing, the activity that was soo cool that you could not wait to be big enough for, did it happen? And if it did not, didn't something better occur?

Patience is the time when the silver lining in our clouds get polished so that they gleam brighter than ever! Patience is not only the rainbow after the storm, but it is the pot of gold as well!

So when we we see this card and we are reminded of patience we are also reminded of the reward for that patience!

Have a great day and add extra fairy dust!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Stay Focused Regardless

Good Morning Fairy World Citizens!

Hope your day is starting out well.

Today we have the card Positive Expectations. This card's message is "Keep up your hopes, dreams, affirmations, visualizations, and prayers, as they will be wonderfully manifested right now. Don't quit five minutes before the miracle occurs!"

Yeah! I love the positive re-enforcement!

I have been a little off for the past few days, the perpetual cold/flu/whatever has reared it's ugly head in my house, mainly with me. Today I am feeling better, but now comes the quiet times when I think about the to-do list in my head for the week with so little checked off, it well, riles me up some. Probably panic is more like it.

So given this state of near panic, this card was a pleasant reminder to me that all is gonna be okay! My dreams have not changed at all, the vessel of the dreams was a little tarnished, that's all.

So for all of you who might be feeling just not right, or suffering from the frustration that things may not seem to be moving, let's remember today's affirmation, "I am safe, confident, and secure. I feel joyful about my future."

Have an awesome day, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Movie In My Head......

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I trust that you have had a wonderful few days since we last spoke.

Today's card from the Healing with the Fairies deck is Happily Ever After. The card's main message is "A happy outcome is assured. Relax any anxiety and feel secure that everything is resolved in the end."

The deck's guide book goes onto tell us that the movie in our heads, the one that we are currently starring in will have a happy ending! The one caveat is that we have to be positive that it is going to be that way. We essentially are the only ones that could ruin our own happy ending with negative thoughts and actions.

Do you know what this means? This is so huge! For me it means that I have many more happy years with my wonderful husband, a life that we both feel fulfilled in. That my children will grow and prosper and have fruitful lives of their own filled with happiness. That all of my family finds the joy and prosperity that they all so deserve and know that I love them. That all the creatures on earth find the peace and comfort that is promised to all of God's creatures. On smaller notes, I can stick to my new exercise program and my hair color will turn out okay!

Ahh who doesn't love a movie, especially with a happy ending? And to know what role we have to play in that movie, doesn't it make it that much more exciting? Just to think, we are the writer, producer, director and actors. The Fairies are script advisers. They encourage to keep that good parts going and nudge a little when it is going astray. And God. Well He is the really cool studio exec that oversees the whole project. He pretty much lets us run the whole show. He gives us guideance along the way but overall He just steps in when we have run the movie way, way off course!

So I am going back for more popcorn, sprinkled with Fairy Dust of course!

Enjoy your movie!

PS. Remember that each card in this deck has an affirmation? Today's is "Everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now."

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Can Almost Taste It!

Good Day to all my fellow Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that your day has started well...even better than you expected!

Today we see a new card that we have not seen before which is Your Desire is Within Reach and the cards main message is "Have faith, as everything is working in your favor."

My first reaction is Cool!

I love the feeling of almost accomplishment. There is a certain exhilaration about knowing that you are almost there. The trick though is to keep up the pace because you can revel in the almost for too long and suddenly, you are far, far away!

The guide book reminds us of this by saying that we should keep going with our actions steps as they will take us on the journey to our dreams! Works for me.

So let's keep all those positive thoughts in play, because in the banquet of life, we are sooo close we can almost taste it! Sprinkled with Fairy Dust (Which is very sweet BTW with no calories.)

Have a great day in our Fairy World!

Monday, March 2, 2009

8 Ways to Be Positive

Are you back? Isn't everything just delightful? Did you see the Desk Fairies and think "I know who that is perfect for!" Did you grab a fairy for your very own? Make sure you do!

Today's card is Affirmations. The main message on the card is "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."

The guide book says that we were sent this card because there is something we want right now (and we know what it is). To support the manifestation process, we must be positive with our words and actions.

So, the question is how do we be positive? How do we support our own manifestation? How about our life in general?

Let's start a list Shall we?
  1. Take the word not out of our daily vocab along with all the n't contractions that go along with it.
  2. Picture the best possible outcome for every situation.
  3. Start with baby steps. Do something small. For instance, if you have housecleaning issues, pick one area and keep that organized for 5 days. Once you see that you can accomplish that, well add another area keeping both organized and tidy for 5 more days and so on. Keep adding til you have tackled the whole house. The beauty of this is you will see that keeping your area organized and tidy is easy as you have done it for so many days.
  4. Start each day with prayer, meditation or reading from some text that inspires you and put you in the right mind set.
  5. If something doesn't go your way, don't dwell on it, it was only one small thing and now it's over!
  6. Keep a journal of what you desire and write every day your vision on how that is going to happen and the final outcome.
  7. Be encouraging to others and they will be encouraging to you.
  8. Believe, better yet know that you can do whatever you set out to do.
Okay, we have our list of eight things, now all we have to do is apply. Remember be the glass is half full person, not the glass is half empty person! It all works out..sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Have a great day and check out the etsy shop!