Friday, March 13, 2009

I Can Almost Taste It!

Good Day to all my fellow Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that your day has started well...even better than you expected!

Today we see a new card that we have not seen before which is Your Desire is Within Reach and the cards main message is "Have faith, as everything is working in your favor."

My first reaction is Cool!

I love the feeling of almost accomplishment. There is a certain exhilaration about knowing that you are almost there. The trick though is to keep up the pace because you can revel in the almost for too long and suddenly, you are far, far away!

The guide book reminds us of this by saying that we should keep going with our actions steps as they will take us on the journey to our dreams! Works for me.

So let's keep all those positive thoughts in play, because in the banquet of life, we are sooo close we can almost taste it! Sprinkled with Fairy Dust (Which is very sweet BTW with no calories.)

Have a great day in our Fairy World!

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