Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What Do We Have to Fear?

Good Day Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope your day is progressing as you wish!

Today's card is Miracle Healing. The card's main meaning is "Expect a miracle. You have prayed for assistance, and it is forthcoming. The more completely you surrender your situation to God, the more rapidly you will realize your healing."

Today's affirmation is "In truth, everything and everyone, including myself, is healed right now. I focus on this truth, instead of an illusion of fear."

The guidebook suggest that we are tired of contemplating the situation, whatever it is. And if we say essentially, "God, I am tired, please take care of this. Thank you" God will. And I truly believe that.

Now there is a lesson in every situation, at least that is my belief and the lesson is in the affirmation. Focus on truth, instead of the illusion of fear.

Fear is definitely an illusion. Fear is when a small idea starts in the brain and goes totally out of control. Fear is what drives the ego.

An inflamed ego is a dangerous thing because it leads to "I am not good enough" "I am not pretty enough", "I am too fat", "I am too thin", "I don't measure up!" And the insanity grows on and on until it has infected every part of one's being. All illusions! But what do they stem from? Where do they start?

I believe it is our personal failure to know and love our true selves. All the above named fears are based on a measuring stick that we hold up to others. But what makes them special? Why are our examples of perfect the be all end all? Somehow we have covered over the true person underneath. That gem we keep piling dirt on instead of taking out and polishing daily. Why is this?

I guess we can blame it on society and the standards that it sets for us as human beings. That may be true but when exactly did we decide that we could not stand out? When we all decide to become lemmings?

Suggesting that one embraces their true self should not be considered rebellion either. It is not bucking the system, it is being a stream, our stream, not main stream. My stream might zig zag right and left, but that is okay because it is mine!

If we all follow that basic teachings that are their to guide our lives, Be good to yourself, Be good to others, Love God, Take notes and learn the lessons along the way, what does it matter in which direction we go? Seriously, pink hair, purple hair, blonde hair. What is the difference if it is yours?

It has been said that most wars including the ones that we are currently involved with are fought over religion or religious beliefs. I think we need to boil it down a little further. All these conflicts were engaged in out of fear. Fear of being different than the other.

Know our true selves! Embrace our true selves! We have nothing to fear! Alas, we have our miracle healing! Sprinkled with fairy dust of course.

Love your selves, love each other. Enjoy your day!

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