Thursday, May 28, 2009

Owning It

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope your day will be all the you expect and more!

Today we talk a little more about the card Be Yourself. To review, this card's main message is "This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power."

In the past, when we have pulled this card we have explored who we really are and about letting our guard down and listening to our inner guidance. Today let's look at being ourselves creatively.

Working in a creative situation and expressing myself through it there is a fine line that you walk. You make things that you love and that are really different and yet sometimes they do not appeal to others. So you re-arrange, take a look at what others are doing and suddenly you are making your own copies of other peoples things. And you might sell a few more since they seem familiar, but not a huge amount. But not overwhelmingly so. At some point you stop and write the whole mess off as you just are not able to do something creatively in a successful manner. But what I don't think that we realize is that it was our attitudes that stopped the flow in the first place.

I believe that when we made our original item, we put it out there with a tentative vibe behind it. Like our announcement was "Here is my item, I think." Somehow we are so unsure and unable to "own" our creativity that we do not believe in it. So when we are not successful and we switch gears to a copy mode, that only does fairly well because still we are not really "owning" the item we are merely producing.

When we are talking about handmade things and sales, well it is true that people tend to flock to the familiar. But, the things that are familiar once were not. They were the new, out there, never been seen item, that had to grow on others. They were the item that when first made, somebody "owned". The creator's vibe was so strong and so proud that it just drew people to them and that item.

I guess it comes down to this, when we express ourselves, however that maybe we cannot be tentative about it. We have to own it. It is ours. It is not just something we did. It is our creation. It is us! We have to put it out there with confidence. And with that confidence we know that while all may not love your creativity they way you do, or even view it in the same manner, that is fine, because you know it is great!

I have an affirmation today, "Anything I create is wonderful because it is an expression of me!"

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust, it enhances everything!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Have a Little Faith

Good Day!

I hope that all my fellow fairy world inhabitors are doing well today!

Today we have the card Business Venture. This card has a main meaning of "Trust and follow through on a new business idea or a career opportunity."

I love when we see this card. It is a reminder that it is "All Good." It is the reassurance that the professional choices that we have made will begin to come to fruition. We have made good choices.

I think that this card also serves as a reminder that we can take steps big or small when that "great idea" comes along to make things happen. It might be a simple as apply for another position in another department at work. Or it maybe signing up to sell for a direct sale, home party type company. Or it might even be deciding to offer a service part time out of your home. So you make a flyer and start handing them out. What ever that step is, it is a big one and Good For You for taking it!

This card reminds us about faith as well. As all good ideas are born somewhere either direct messages from the Universe about a specific thing or from a hint that the Universe gives that leads us in another direction. In either scenario it really takes faith to act. So again, Good For You!

Since it might seem with most things, the going might not be the easiest, seeing that our inspiration could be called Divine Intervention, the likelihood of some measure of success is almost guaranteed.

So now, fellow fairy world inhabitors let us march on, each with our own specific goal, following the rainbow to the pot of gold. There is enough for everyone! And sprinkle fairy dust along the way, so the ones that follow behind have a sparkly adventure as well!

Have a great day!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Paging Patience

Good Morning Fairy World!

It is Friday! Yeah! Getting ready for the 3 day weekend!

Today's card is Patience, Please. This card's main message is "What you're asking for is coming about. Have patience, as there are unseen factors that need to occur first."

They say that patience is a virtue. And good things come to those who wait. These are both very good philosophies, but boy are they hard to master!

I guess we encounter the need for patience from birth. We have to learn to wait for the birthdays, the arrival of Santa Claus and being bigger to do the next cool thing that we want to do. And the waiting is never easy. It is long and drawn out and okay, torture on some level. But really what other choice to we have to do but wait?

There is a flipside to all that though. Having patience pays off. Always. When does your birthday never come? When is there a time that Santa doesn't visit your house on Christmas Eve? And that special thing, the activity that was soo cool that you could not wait to be big enough for, did it happen? And if it did not, didn't something better occur?

Patience is the time when the silver lining in our clouds get polished so that they gleam brighter than ever! Patience is not only the rainbow after the storm, but it is the pot of gold as well!

So when we we see this card and we are reminded of patience we are also reminded of the reward for that patience!

Have a great day and add extra fairy dust!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Nature is Calling

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

The weather has been beautiful in our neck of the woods and I hope that it has been the same for you. Although I believe that we are moving straight into summer. Here is Chicago we seem to be a 2 season town, winter and summer. Spring and fall are just rumors really!

So today's card is Connect with Nature. The card's main message is "You're rejuvenated and inspired by spending time outdoors."

This card could not have come at a better time!

As I have said it has been beautiful out. We have had our lawn cut three weeks in a row and it looks like a carpet overall. Lush and green. My peonies are sprouting up and already have buds on them promising some wonderful flowers in the coming weeks.

I look forward to planting my vegetable garden and enjoy the fruits of my labor. (I hope!)

The world of nature is so grand, how could you knot be inspired? I watch all the lush colors as things come to life and it sends my senses singing!

So take time, plant some plants, walk barefoot in the grass and enjoy all that nature has to give!

Have a wonderful day and sprinkle the fairy dust around, it makes the morning dew extra sparklie!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Don't Worry ...Be Happy

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

What a great day this is going to be!

Today's card is Everything's Okay. The card main message is "Don't worry it's all working out in a beautiful way!"

So what is this all about? I think the greatest lesson is that we have to look for the gift in any situation. Because there has to be one.

If work is not going right, maybe we have to look for other job training or another department. Business not going well, maybe it is time to rethink you products. Relationship not going right, this is the time to learn and enhance communication. There is always a solution and a gift in the answer.

So let's take advice from the song "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby McFerrin
In your life expect some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry be happy

No doubling up for this girl! Are you with me?!?!

Let's write an affirmation for today "I live a life of ease as I have no worries."

Have a worry free day!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Dancin' in the Streets...

"Dancin' in the Streets" Martha and the Vandellas 1964, number 7 on Entertainment Weekly's top 100 best songs about summer. Why does this matter today? Let's look at today's card....


This card's main message is "Everything you have been asking for becomes yours in the summertime."

So what does this tell us? The guidebook suggests that we have been giving a lot of thought to our dreams and desires (we have been putting our orders in) and now in summer we will see the reality of those dreams come true.

And when that happens we will be DANCIN IN THE STREETS!

So get the sunscreen ready and prepare yourself for an awesome summer.

Until then, have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust. (I told you it was working!)

Monday, May 18, 2009


Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors.

Welcome to Monday! I know that it is going to be a super week!

Today's card is Ask For What You Want. The card's main message tell us, "Let the Universe and other people know what you need."

So the guide book suggests that our wants are like ordering food. It does not appear until we place the order. And we should not place our order until we really know what we are hungry for!

So what do we really want? What does our "order" reflect in our lives?

I could list a whole bunch of things, this or that, but to me the essence of it all is this. I am putting in my order for all living things finding peace and comfort.

An affirmation that I have written for today is, "All I need is given to me, I just need to ask."

Enjoy your day, this begining of the week and sprinkle it with fairy dust!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

This Just In..We Can Be Honest With Ourselves

Happy Saturday Fairy World Followers!

Rise and shine and get going, it's gonna be a great day!

It is interesting that we have picked this card today, Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself. This card's main meaning is "Be honest with yourself. Only you know what you truly desire."

I said interesting, because even though we are a 7 day a week world, the weekend sometimes allow times for some extra thinking. We will definitely need that to tackle this subject!

I believe at this time we should focus more on what we are afraid of. Those are true feelings. If we face our fears, truly then nothing can hold us back.

FDR said in his address in 1933 "The only thing we have to fear is fear it'self-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." This is one of the most famous quotes ever spoken about the subject of fear. But what FDR was saying was not just a zinger in a speech for the headlines, but the truth.

Fear can paralyze us. Stop us from doing, being, accomplishing. Fear is our personal black cloud that hangs over our heads. Funny thing though we do not recognize it always as fear.

We can call it many things or describe it with many actions but in reality it is fear. Why do we dream and flat out refuse to help ourselves? Fear. Why do we make incredible things and have incredible talents and then cannot even acknowledge them to ourselves? Fear. We are so scared of the worst possible scenario that we refuse to live and enjoy the greatest scenario when it comes along.

Are we going to get hurt? Well yes, there is a huge possibility of that happening. But that is part of living, it has to be. How would we learn, how would we grow if we didn't come across all the possibilities that there are?

Fear lives in the ego. We have to put the ego to rest and no fear. We do this by acknowledging our fears.

I feel if we do not acknowledge them and put our fears on the back burner functioning around them, two things happen. First we are not really living. And second, when we do things while this fear is front and center, we taint all outcomes because we are expecting the worse. We send off this weird vibe that looks like a huge neon sign pointing at you saying "Hey everyone this sucks! I suck. I am no good. Don't buy my stuff. Don't pay attention to me. Be rude to me!" I have seen this sign over my head.

We have to put ourselves out there and take chances and learn from the outcomes. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather try and fail then not try because I "knew" I was gonna fail.

So let's pick apart our fears this weekend, look at the worse case scenario and decide that the worse things cannot run our lives. Let's put or egos to rest and live, really, really live!

Enjoy your weekend, sprinkled with fairy dust!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Easy Does It

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today let's jump right in. We have pulled the card Easy Does It. The card's main meaning is "Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you."

So, we need to be more laid back do we?

This is so probably true. I think that we really need to look at the situations that we try to control and discover why. Why is it so important that something goes precisely the way we want it to?

The guidebook suggests fear. We have to control a situation because we fear an outcome other than the one we have envisioned. Okay I get this one. But now I wonder why we are so worried about any other outcome aside from our chosen one.

Is it that we will get our feeling hurt? Will we not get the particular item that we want? Will someone not act the we we believe they should? So is it fair to say that it ultimately about us?

Boy, I am guilty of this as much as the next person. Compared to some people I know, I am an amateur, but I have had my moments of needing to have the upper hand. But even though I have done it more than once, I find at the end of the day that the control that was so necessary was more work and more tiring than the other possible outcomes to the situation.

So I think we need to go back to the fear issue. What are we so afraid of? That has to be discovered with each situation, but what I really believe what we will discover is that our ego is crying out. Our ego is hurt.

I also know that when our ego cries out, we are in the midst of losing our vision of our true selves. Losing is a strong word, how about ignoring? We are ignoring our true selves.

Because simply if we are in tune with the four basic rules (be good to yourself, be good to others, learn our lessons,take notes and love God) we should come out all right in any situation. Then we have nothing to be afraid of so no need for control.

That being said, we can do all of this and on the surface an outcome is not exactly preferable and maybe hurts our feelings. Well, we have to remember that hurt feelings are a hurt ego. We have to them step back and look at the lesson we have to learn.

Take a deep breath fairy friends, we are learning a lot and putting a lot into practice. It will get easier!

Today, I do not have an affirmation necessarily, but I do have a thought via @annq, a twitter friend of mine "Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only robs today of its joy. Leo Buscaglia"

So sprinkle that fairy dust around, and have a great day. (And if you happen to running out of fairy dust, there is always more in the shop. Click on the picture below and order some more!)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Being You!!

Good Morning Fairy Friends!

Hope all is well in your corner of this Fairy World!

Today we are going to switch it up a bit. We are going back to using the "Magical Messages from the Fairies" We have used this deck before and it is time for a change.

Today's card is Express Your Individuality. This card's main message is "Allow your true self to shine because you are awesome!"

So what does it mean to be an individual? Websters defines it as "existing as a distinct entity." Actually that is really a textbook answer. We all knew that! But what does it really mean?

Our little cartoon up there is the epitome of individual! To me being an individual is being what you want to be. It is a sense of style, how we work and how we present ourselves to the world. There are so many options!

That being said, we have to remember that we do co-exist in this world with a bunch of others. So I guess that we should not be anti-social even though we are individuals. Boy isn't that tough! We have to stand out but fit in.

How do we achieve the perfect balance? My first thought was to say "I don't know." But then a flash went through my head. Respect!

If we are all going to strive to be individual, we cannot judge others as they are different from us. We have to respect that other peoples individuality exists in addition to ours. We also have to respect ourselves to show our true selves and shine the way we were meant to.

So for today, do something to show what you really are about. Mismatch socks, tease your hair standing straight up, talk about fairies to a stranger! Let your self shine!

Now this deck does not give affirmations but I like them so let's add a few of our own. Today's affirmation is "I love and respect my true self. I let my true self shine."

Have a great day sprinkle with fairy dust!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

We've Got To Move It!

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Let's start off today with some music, it is the theme to our post...

Today's card is Body Movement. This card's main message is "Your body wants to express itself through movement. Listen to your body, and it will tell you what kind of movement it craves."

We need to get up and get shakin'! lol It has been a long hard winter and we need to remove the cobwebs to get ready for spring and summer, the growth seasons of the year.

How should we do that? Dance to the radio in your home. Take a walk everyday. Take a class. play with your kids. Just get up and get moving.

I also read that the more we incorporate exercise into our lives, the lower our resting heartrate will be. And that is a good thing!

So get up and Move It!

Today's affirmation is "I lovingly pay attention to my body's needs."

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust outside on your walk!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday and Much More!

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that your Sunday and Mother's Day were wonderful for you. I enjoyed mine very much!

For starters thing today I would like to show you the first in our new line of bookmarks. This is the "Fluttering Fairy". She is very beautiful and ornate. She will enhance the most mundane book to make it spectacular! You can purchase her right now by clicking on the picture and checking out. No registration is required!

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Now onto today's card which is Positive Expectations. We have visited this card before, but let's review the card's main meaning which is "Keep up your hopes, dreams, affirmations, visualizations, and prayers, as they will be wonderfully manifested right now. Don't quit five minutes before the miracle occurs!"

Everytime I see this card the last part of the main meaning always gets me. Don't quit five minutes before the miracle occurs! This is so easy to do, quit I mean. But why?

Maybe we are short sighted. Maybe we are just blind to the "Big Picture". Maybe when set set our expectations, hopes, dreams and etc. we are forgetting that we should be focusing on the essence of the dream. What is our true self looking for when we dream for something specifically?

Like dreaming about winning the lottery for example. We have talked about this before. Is the essence of the dream to win the lottery to be rolling in money and be on TV as the latest lottery winner, or is the essence of the dream to have a life with more ease and a sense of comfort? So when we do not win the lottery, but get a promotion at work has our dream come true? Yes and no. If we were looking at the notoriety and the big pile of cash, well then no, a job promotion is not going to cut it. If we were looking for ease and comfort, yes, a promotion supports that dream.

And that is the other important thing that we have to look at. Dreams don't really come true in just one event. Life is not just one event. Life is a series of events that is called living. So in turn our dreams come true in a series of events as well.

This is why to me, the not giving up five minutes before statement rings so true, because we are always in the middle of our dreams coming true, just in bits and pieces!

Today's affirmation is "I am safe, confident, and secure. I feel joy about my future." I would personally add, "I am living my future!"

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust of course!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all of the Fairy World Inhabitors!

Enjoy your Day sprinkled with Fairy Dust

Friday, May 8, 2009

Moving Forward Fearlessly

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

It is Friday!!! Though I have to say that this has not been a particularly bad week, but it is always good to see Friday!

Today's card is Moving Forward Fearlessly. This card has the meaning "You are making big breakthroughs in your life by putting your Divinely inspired ideas into action. Trust that you are guided each step of the way."

The guidebook suggests that we know ourselves, we are guided by the Divine and we should trust our gut.

I think that a lot of us fail to do this as we do not trust ourselves. We have talked about this before. We do not value ourselves so we do not trust ourselves. How could we make our own good decisions if we don't respect ourselves.

So trust yourself, love yourself and know that with God whispering in your ear when you need it all of your decisions are gold!

On a side note with regards to moving of fearlessly have you read the story of Connie Culp. She is the first US face transplant recipient. You can read her story by clicking on her name. But what a tremendous amount of self love and confidence she has. She is truly an example to about perseverance!

Today's affirmation is "I move forward fearlessly, trusting that each step I take is perfectly guided."

Have a great day and be liberal with the fairy dust, it is Friday after all!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rise Above...

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

It's Wednesday, the middle of the week, hows everything going?

Today's card is Rise above Problems. It's main meaning is "When you're in the middle of a problem, the solution often evades you. See your situation from a higher perspective, and you may see a new way out."

I speak in cliches a lot. I try to avoid it, but when I do, to me I sound to stuff and formal. Too uptight. And I am really far from uptight! lol. So the cliche for this card is the watched pot never boils.

Plain and simple.

While we cannot obsess over a good thing, trying to make a wish come true, we cannot obsess over a not so good thing either. Neither situation is going to come to fruition if we beat it half to death.

Easier said than done. Really how do we rise above?

The guide book suggest that we visualize the issue like a letter that we are mailing to God. You know that once a letter is in the mail box, it is out of our hands and you are at the mercy of the sometimes questionable postal service, you "letter" is in the best possible hands of all. The hands of God.

But (and isn't there always a but?!?!) it is my belief that when we turn it over we are not just expecting the solution to be handed to us on a silver platter. I believe that we have to ask for guidance; open ended all accepting guidance. The kind that we really don't want but you know that we should take anyway.

And it might be tough or it might be easy, we just have to take as it comes because that is the way of God. Because we also have to remember that those problems that we are sending off to God are man-made. There is never an easy answer.

Today's affirmation is "My heart, my mind, my life, and everyone in it are perfectly at peace right now."

Have a wonderful Wednesday and remember extra fairy dust to make the rest of the week sparkle!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Little Kindness

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

It is Tuesday and what a wonderful day it's going to be!

Today's card is Kindness. The card's main meaning is "Practice kindness in all your thoughts and deeds today-toward yourself, other people, animals and the environment-and watch the rewards that come your way!"

The guide book suggests that we not think of kindness as "thoughtfulness", but more as "lovefulness". Interesting.

I think this applies more in dealing with ourselves than others. This goes back to yesterday discussion about loving ourselves. We can be kind to our selves, especially how we refer to our selves or when we receive a compliment. Most of us do not do that well. We are too embaressed and feeling too poorly about our selves to see the sincerity in the gesture of the compliment. We make excuses why that should even apply to us. "Your hair looks nice today." "Thanks it looks better than yesterday." "What a pretty top you are wearing." "Oh, I have had this thing forever." These are just off the top of my head, but you know that is how we react. Best or worse case scenario, just say "Thank You." Be kind to yourself.

This should bring us to ROAKs better known as Random Acts of Kindness. Through the years I have heard debate that we put too much attention on this. That people might begin to expect this. I cannot debate the ins and outs of all of this all I know is if I am kind to others, others are kind to me. I pay a compliment to one person, another will hold the door open for me somewhere else. That is just the way it works.

So let's go out of our way today. Let's be kind to ourselves. Let's be kind to others. Let others be kind to you.

Have a great day filled with ROAKs sprinkled with fairy dust!

Today's affirmation is "I am kind, thoughtful and loving to myself and others."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Expanded Thinking

Hey all You Fairy Friends!

I hope the Monday is starting out well for you.

Today's card is Higher Consciousness. The card's main meaning is "You are receiving guidance from your true self, your higher consciousness, which is one with the Divine universal wisdom. You are listening to love rather than fear."

As we have talked about before, there is a guidebook that goes along with each deck that gives your further insight on the cards. Today the insight begins to explain that we are getting better in tune with all the universe and we are actually getting better messages as the result. It suggests that perhaps we are clearing our minds better, maybe doing yoga or having more nature walks to become more in tune. Or maybe we have "put your foot down to the Universe and have adamantly decided to improve your life."

This notion that we put our foot down to God and said ENOUGH really cracks me up! Who puts there foot down to God? Really? That was my initial reaction.

Then I thought for a second and realized the very act of saying ENOUGH is a turning point. This is the "Okay I get it" phase.

We were built to be problem solvers. Look how man has evolved. Look at all the technology. It is in our DNA. So if we can develop technology that allow me to speak to people around the world at any given time with the click of the mouse and we can have cars that may fly someday, they why can we not straighten out our lives?

The simple fact of the matter is that we do not listen. Mostly to ourselves. We search for answers, picking stuff apart, looking for the deeper meaning. Looking for a better message. But like we have spoken of before, everything we need, ever, is right inside of us right now.

You might say, well I want to improve my living conditions. Where is the new house inside of me? The physical item might not be, but the ability to make a new house is there, right inside of you. The same goes for anything material or financial. The ability to manifest it all is right there within you.

The tricky one is love. I know that a lot of people are searching for it. They are looking for a mate or just the love of family and friends. But it seems that most are looking for love. The fact of the matter is it is right inside of you.

If you are so desperately searching for that love, then really you must take a real hard look at yourself, because you don't love yourself. It is that simple. And if your are having a hard time with the person that you see in the mirror each morning, what do you think the rest of the world is doing?

Like attracts like. It is a proven fact. You know the magnets and opposite poles and all of that. If you don't find yourself worthy of love than who else will? Initially that statement might sound cruel, but it is not really. But if you won't bother with yourself than who will?

Many moons ago when I was in management training for one of the fast food chains, I was having trouble getting my hourly shift responsibilities done. It was becoming a constant problem, to the point that the area supervisor sat me down. I knew I was in trouble, almost sweating it that I would walk out of the meeting with a job. He looked at me and asked "What are the qualities that you consider make up a good boss?" I answered, giving a list and my thoughts behind each quality. I saw him taking notes. It got quiet. He was taking more notes. Then, he tore of the bottom half of the sheet of paper and handed it to me. There printed in capital letters was the list of my answers. He said "Now put this on your mirror at home. Every morning while you are getting ready for work, read this list and remind yourself that you are all of these things. You expect these things out of your bosses, shouldn't your employees expect them out of you?" (Okay so I didn't get fired, but did leave the job when I ended up moving out of state).

The fact is we expect a lot from people, but do we expect them from ourselves? And when people don't come through with our "expectation" Do we blame them or us? We more than likely blame the other person, "because they just don't get me" or we blame ourselves with the martyr "I guess I will toil along forever because no one understands."

Blame and fault are strong words, ones that I do like like to use often along with guilt. But truly it is our fault. We are the ones to blame. But do not play the martyr and feel guilty. It really is about a shift in consciousness and the qualities that we expect from others should be reflected in ourselves. But it takes work.

Lots of work and the change won't happen overnight. We cannot demand that we change our selves. Like we cannot demand that someone else treats us differently. All that theory that the loudest gets served first is a bunch of BS. Because there is a price to pay for being demanding. Anyway, this why the whole "putting our foot down" thing is so funny. Do we look ourselves in the mirror and say, "I demand that you be smarter today!"? No of course not. We should look in the mirror and remind ourselves that we are very intelligent. See the difference?

So if you care to take a minute and make a list of the things that you think that you are missing from your life. Is it love, is it money, is it respect? Under those items list the qualities of those things like beauty, compassion, abundance, and caring. Each morning take your list and put "I AM" infront of each word and say out loud while looking in the mirror. "I am beautiful." "I am caring." "I respect myself." "I am worth it." Any word your chose has power for you. You will know.

Hey if you don't believe your own press who will? (don't you just love metaphors?!?!)

Today's affirmation is "I easily hear and understand the inner voice of spirit."

Have a great day and sprinkle extra fairy dust, you deserve it!

Friday, May 1, 2009

It's Raining Money!!!

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Happy May Day! I wrote a bit about May Day on my other blog. You can find it here.

Today's card is Financial Flow. This card's main meaning is "You have manifested a new sense of abundance in your life. Any financial blocks have been successfully been removed, and you are now in the flow of increased prosperity. Congratulations!"

I always feel great when congratulations is in any statement!

We are making progress as this card is very positive. I think the true thing we need to remember that prosperity exists on many levels. And financial transactions also can be done via barter, so you might get what you want, but cash doesn't necessarily have to exchange hands.

Just be pleased that we are making this much progress!

Today's affirmation is "I am financially secure, I am supported abundantly today, and every day in my future."

BTW, I am gonna win the Mega Millions tonight, so don't bother buying a ticket! lol We can all dream can't we?

Have a great day, a very prosperous one sprinkled with fairy dust!