Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Rise Above...

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

It's Wednesday, the middle of the week, hows everything going?

Today's card is Rise above Problems. It's main meaning is "When you're in the middle of a problem, the solution often evades you. See your situation from a higher perspective, and you may see a new way out."

I speak in cliches a lot. I try to avoid it, but when I do, to me I sound to stuff and formal. Too uptight. And I am really far from uptight! lol. So the cliche for this card is the watched pot never boils.

Plain and simple.

While we cannot obsess over a good thing, trying to make a wish come true, we cannot obsess over a not so good thing either. Neither situation is going to come to fruition if we beat it half to death.

Easier said than done. Really how do we rise above?

The guide book suggest that we visualize the issue like a letter that we are mailing to God. You know that once a letter is in the mail box, it is out of our hands and you are at the mercy of the sometimes questionable postal service, you "letter" is in the best possible hands of all. The hands of God.

But (and isn't there always a but?!?!) it is my belief that when we turn it over we are not just expecting the solution to be handed to us on a silver platter. I believe that we have to ask for guidance; open ended all accepting guidance. The kind that we really don't want but you know that we should take anyway.

And it might be tough or it might be easy, we just have to take as it comes because that is the way of God. Because we also have to remember that those problems that we are sending off to God are man-made. There is never an easy answer.

Today's affirmation is "My heart, my mind, my life, and everyone in it are perfectly at peace right now."

Have a wonderful Wednesday and remember extra fairy dust to make the rest of the week sparkle!

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