Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Something New

Hello to All of my Fairy World Friends!

Hope you are spreading around the fairy dust!

Today's card is New Location. The main message is "A change of venue is coming your way. Most likely you are moving to a new residence. However, this card could also mean that you're changing the location of your employment."

Okay so at first glance, I thought we are not moving (because I analyze everything for myself first--actually it is all about me..lol!), but then I remembered that we have decided to switch bedrooms with our daughter. She is a dancer and needs the hardwood floor to practice on and our room is hardwood floors. And I on the other hand, do not love the hardwood in the bedroom, because my bed rolls away from the headboard during the night. We move things quite frequently in our home, this will be the third time in almost 10 years that this room will be our bedroom. So that is how it applies to me.

Also, the second part is true because "It's a Fairy World" will soon be selling things on artfire as well. Look for the announcement here!

The book points out that no matter what the change is, it is definately for the better! To support this we should remember today's affirmation: "I now live and work in a safe, comfortable, spacious enviroment, in a wonderful location."

For others, I believe this card signals that the changes you want to make are good choices!

That is all for now, my Fairy friends! Enjoy your day with lots of fairy dust!

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Movie In My Head......

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I trust that you have had a wonderful few days since we last spoke.

Today's card from the Healing with the Fairies deck is Happily Ever After. The card's main message is "A happy outcome is assured. Relax any anxiety and feel secure that everything is resolved in the end."

The deck's guide book goes onto tell us that the movie in our heads, the one that we are currently starring in will have a happy ending! The one caveat is that we have to be positive that it is going to be that way. We essentially are the only ones that could ruin our own happy ending with negative thoughts and actions.

Do you know what this means? This is so huge! For me it means that I have many more happy years with my wonderful husband, a life that we both feel fulfilled in. That my children will grow and prosper and have fruitful lives of their own filled with happiness. That all of my family finds the joy and prosperity that they all so deserve and know that I love them. That all the creatures on earth find the peace and comfort that is promised to all of God's creatures. On smaller notes, I can stick to my new exercise program and my hair color will turn out okay!

Ahh who doesn't love a movie, especially with a happy ending? And to know what role we have to play in that movie, doesn't it make it that much more exciting? Just to think, we are the writer, producer, director and actors. The Fairies are script advisers. They encourage to keep that good parts going and nudge a little when it is going astray. And God. Well He is the really cool studio exec that oversees the whole project. He pretty much lets us run the whole show. He gives us guideance along the way but overall He just steps in when we have run the movie way, way off course!

So I am going back for more popcorn, sprinkled with Fairy Dust of course!

Enjoy your movie!

PS. Remember that each card in this deck has an affirmation? Today's is "Everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now."

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Magic of Nature

Hello to All of Fairy World!

Are you ready to sprinkle some fairy dust today?

Today's card from the Healing with the Fairies deck is the Magic of Nature. It's main message is "Spend time outdoors, among the flowers, plants, and trees. Nature has powerful gifts that she wants to share with you, including ideas, information, and healing energy."

We have seen a card similar to this one in the other deck. Apparently this message is an important one. Considering the time of year, it is one we can heed easily.

The guide book suggest that we spend at least 5 minutes per day outside in nature. Remove our shoes and socks and feel the grass and dirt right under our feet and revel in the glory that nature is. Close our eyes and leave our minds open for answers. Answers that we might not have known we needed! Open our eyes and the little flits of light are the fairies flying away!

So what's a fairy world girl to do? Head outside we need the fresh air!!!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Honor Thy Self

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope all is well in your corner of Fairy World!

Today we are going to change things up a little bit with a different deck of Fairy Oracle Cards. This deck is called "Healing with the Fairies". This deck is also by Dr. Doreen Virtue PhD.

Today's card from this deck is Honoring Your True Feelings. The main message from the card is "By drawing this card, you're urged to listen to, and follow, your true feelings. Do not betray yourself, or rationalize that it's acceptable to deny your inner voice of truth."

This guide book goes on to tells us about our inner counselor knowing all. That tug in your heart or clench in your stomach are just some physical signs that you are going in the wrong direction, so to speak, and you know it. Some refer to this is the "fight or flight" reaction, but it always does not have to occur in a bad situation. It actually occurs all the time.

The fairies know how important it is to listen to our inner guidance and true feelings and they ask us to do the same!

This particular deck is neat as it gives us a daily affirmation that corresponds and today's is "I listen to, honor, and follow my true feelings, knowing that they are answers to my prayers."

Listen and enjoy your day sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

We Must Be Onto Something Really Good!

Hello To All!

This morning we revisit another card Your Desire Is Within Reach. This card's main message is "Have faith, as everything is working in your favor."

We are reminded to keep our thoughts positive, overcome procrastination and if any worries or fears exist, give them up to God.

We all have been working hard on our projects and I think that this is a sure sign that we are about to hit the jackpot so to speak, with this card appearing again! Yeah all of us!!!

So go out there and keep at it because we almost there!!!!

Have a great day sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Express Your Individuality

Hello to All in Fairy World,

I hope that you rested well and awoke with all the promise of a new day!

Today's card is one we have not seen before, Express Your Individuality. The card's main message is "Allow your true self to shine because you're awesome!" Well, that is certainly a cheerful note on a Monday morning!

The guide book gives us the additional thoughts, that the fairies want us to accept and celebrate our uniqueness without concern how it will be socially accepted. Be our creative selves! Trust and follow through with our creative ideas.

This very card is like the keys to the kingdom! If you want pink hair, have pink hair! If you want to only wear yellow all the time, wear yellow all the time. Be free! But the most important part is expressing yourself through this freedom.

Think about how this applies to you. It could be very liberating! The more comfortable you are, the more work you do!

Pull out those purple sweats, wear them sprinkle with fairy dust!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Take It Easy

Hello To All in the Fairy World!

I pulled the most interesting card today. The fairies have said the collective we has to know this message. The card is Easy Does It. The main message is "Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you."

So this made me chuckle because who has not tried to "micro-manage" their way through life sometimes? Especially in a situation that we were not comfortable in?

I go through this myself in spurts but in the end I usually get tired of all the work it takes to be in control and I find myself just wanting to go with the flow and co-exist with the situation. I also know personally, when I feel the most need to get in control is when my ego is screaming and feels slighted. I try to see the signs and put my dear ego (I call her Matlida) back to rest, by easing her fears that all is not going to be okay.

The guide book speaks of dolphins, their ease and their flow. How forcing something only erects barriers and how the barriers are our own fears manifested. It tells us to commune with nature and enjoy the calm serenity.

There was also one final thought in the guidebook, we have to get out of our own way! Moi? In the way? Stopping everything for myself? Could it be possible? Isn't this someone else's fault my life isn't perfect? (Saying this all tongue in cheek).

Relax, go with the flow, sprinkle on some fairy dust. It all gets easier!

On a side note, be sure to check out the etsy shop. We have added a new item everyday this week. Giselle the Golden Fairy rocks!

Have a great day!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Forgiveness Revisited

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today we have a card we have seen before Whom Do You Need to Forgive? The main message of this card is "As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true."

As I have mentioned we have seen this card before, in the post "5 Reasons for Forgiveness". In that post we covered the reasons why we should forgive, but some things are easier said than done, so let's talk about how to forgive.

  • First, let's remember that your adversary is feeling nothing from your actions, but the resentment is building up in you so let it go!!
  • Second, take a step back and look at the big picture. There were a lot of people that were around you supporting you, regardless of the resentment you felt or the moods that it caused. Be grateful for them and their support.
  • Third, make a list of the blessings from this event. They might be things to remember in the future that you do not want to engage in or even a new facet of your personality that you were not aware of. Good things always emerge from the unpleasant and overshadow everything else if you let them.
  • Fourth, be kind to yourself. You have bottled up pain for a long time and it hurts! Even when you come to the conclusion that you had a active part in the situation, don't berate yourself for it. Just learn from it.
  • Fifth, when you come in contact with your adversary, mentally send them a blessing! It is calming and compassionate. Think to yourself "I send them blessings as they probably need it right now." At first it might be a little foreign or contrived but blessings are energy. And energy good or bad always finds it's way back to you. The more blessings you send, the more you receive!
  • Sixth and finally those feelings that you have for your adversary are valid, but at that moment they are only yours and effect only you, initially. Don't let them define that moment because you might miss out on something better!
Whew! That was a lot of deep thinking!

So I leave you with this final thought..when in doubt send blessing and sprinkle them with fairy dust!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Walking and More

Good Morning to All!

I hope that you have rested well and you are ready to start a new day!

This morning I pulled the card Walk Away. The main message from the card is "Leave the unhealthy situation and enjoy the new doors that open as a result!"

Off of the top of my head, I am not sure how this applies to me, but there is always the metaphor, so let's look to the guide book for further info. The guide book suggests we can validate our feelings about a change and be okay to go through with it. The other message in there is "Make a Vow to yourself and keep it."

As I have said earlier, I am not contemplating a change, so I do not have fear and angst that would surround this. I am in the middle of living the life I want to, but granted there is always room for improvement!

But, since I ask the question for the collective we, there must be someone else out there that needs to hear this message. Is it for you? Actually, if you feel moved by this message, or any of them would you please leave a comment? I don't need personal details, but just to know that you are hearing this too would be great!

Before I leave you for the day, I will tell you the NUMBER ONE MUST THING to do....check out our etsy shop!!! We have just added some new items and the Fairy Garden sign is a must have!!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

We Got the Power..Sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Attention All Fairy World Inhabitors!

Did you see what is in the etsy store? Did you see? Irene was so inspired by the fairies that she made Fairy Dust!!! Now you can have it for your very own. This batch is a glittery white, a sheer delight, so sprinkle it on everything!!! Get some today.

Today the fairies spoke very loudly and proudly to me (must have been the fairy dust!) the card they sent was You've Got the Power! This card's main message is "Use your abilities to resolve this situation. You can do it!"

What a straight forward message!

The guide book questions if we have been feeling victimized lately because the fairies want to remind us that no matter what the circumstances, we have the personal power, power that is very strong, to conquer any situation. Fairies are only tiny beings, but look at what they can do!

The simple truth is the we have to believe and trust ourselves. We can climb any mountain, cross any river, meet any deadline, have the life of our dreams...if we just believe!

Have a good day my Fairy World friends and don't forget the Fairy Dust!

Monday, March 16, 2009


Good Morning to all in Fairy World!

Hope your day is going great!

Jumping right into Monday, today's message comes to us via the card Daughter. The main thought is "The answer to your question involves your daughter."

This is a particularly is interesting because my question was "What does the collective We need to know?"

I am a daughter. I have a daughter. I am close to my Mom. I am close with my daughter. What message do I bring to my Mom? What message does my Jacki bring to me?

I think part of the message overall is that it shows how intertwined we all are and how we have to leave our hearts open to hear messages as they can come from anywhere.

So think hard, how does this apply to you? Listen with your heart, you will know!

That is all today, short and sweet, sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Friday, March 13, 2009

I Can Almost Taste It!

Good Day to all my fellow Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that your day has started well...even better than you expected!

Today we see a new card that we have not seen before which is Your Desire is Within Reach and the cards main message is "Have faith, as everything is working in your favor."

My first reaction is Cool!

I love the feeling of almost accomplishment. There is a certain exhilaration about knowing that you are almost there. The trick though is to keep up the pace because you can revel in the almost for too long and suddenly, you are far, far away!

The guide book reminds us of this by saying that we should keep going with our actions steps as they will take us on the journey to our dreams! Works for me.

So let's keep all those positive thoughts in play, because in the banquet of life, we are sooo close we can almost taste it! Sprinkled with Fairy Dust (Which is very sweet BTW with no calories.)

Have a great day in our Fairy World!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Know I Can..I Know I Can

Up and AT 'Em Fairy World Inhabitors,

Time to sprinkle the Fairy Dust!

Today's card from the fairies brings us back to visit Affirmations once again. Let's remind ourselves what the card's main message, "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."

As we spoke about Affirmations earlier in the post "8 Ways to Be Positive" we did not dwell on the words, they actual little prayers we can/should say to ourselves that will feed our spirits and move us forward to manifesting our desires.

Some examples are:

If your desire is to always be in the best of health you could use "Every cell in my body vibrates energy and well being."

If you desire abundance you could use "I know that I deserve prosperity of all kinds and I find prosperity wherever I am."

For weight loss you might use "My body is the perfect weight for me."

You can take any desire and translate that into an affirmation that is perfect for you. This goes back to finding what that true desire is. We have spoken of this before. Actually if you took the time to explore and make a dream board, you have your affirmations right there in front of you!

The important thing to remember is to be positive! You cannot use "I think I will land 3 new accounts this month", won't work. Using "I hope I can land 3 new accounts this month", not a good choice either. Using "I know I can land 3 new accounts this month" is the right choice of words and the right mindset to be in!

Write some of your own. Say they to yourself. Make them a little chant, quietly. It's fun!

Say those affirmations and have a great day! Sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

In the Good Ole Summertime

Rise and Shine Fairy World Inhabitors!

It's time to get up and sprinkle your fairy dust around!

Today's card is the reappearance of the card Summer. Let's remember that it's main message is "Everything that you're asking for becomes your in the summertime."

I know that this card signifies a particular season, but let's take a look at that particular season. Summer is the time when everything is in full bloom. The weather is hotter than the rest of the year, but it supports and matures the new growth that began in Spring. Animal babies grow up, flowers bloom to their beauty and vegetables ripen for the eating! What a glorious time Summer is!

Let's look at the metaphor for our Summer analysis.

Things are heating up, in a good way, we are really beginning to cook!

Our desires are the baby animals that are growing up, learning to sustain and care for themselves because there is always a new situation coming.

Our wishes are the flowers in full bloom, glorious. But we must remember that we have to tend to our flowers so they live to their full potential.

Our lives in general are the vegetables growing, ripening. So fresh some are ready to be enjoyed right now while others are on a different timetable that will not be harvested until later.

Overall I would say that even though we love Spring for all the promise and hope that she brings, Summer is the wiser, older sister. Looking forward to her visit too!

Have a great day in our Fairy World, sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Eating Better

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that you feel well rested and refreshed.

We had a marathon weekend with my DD's dance convention/competition. End result- she competes in six dances and they took 2 golds, 4 silvers and the "production" number which is all 27 dancers took third place overall in their category. She was awesome!

I almost feel normal today!

Onto today's card which is Vegetarian. The card's main message is "A new way of eating gives you more energy, greater health, clarity, and stronger manifestation abilities."

I personally about once a year try on the vegetarian lifestyle. About every three or so I try totally vegan. I do it for a while and then, I crack. It is usually stress that pushed me over and I go searching for my comfort foods.

The guide book states that more than ever we have to be more aware of what we are eating, that it be in it's purest form, organic and that we say a brief prayer of gratitude for the energy that the food provides.

This past weekend should be a great example for me to take heed. I ate junk. Snack foods, pizza, drank coffee and more pop than usual. And today, Tuesday, I am still dragging my butt! No wonder why I got this card!

We have to listen to the fairies, they are vegetarians, eat right and they send little messages to help us. Let's listen real hard! Oh and enjoy the fairy dust they sprinkle!

Have a great day in our Fairy World!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Messengers From God

Good Morning to All in Fairy World,

I hope your dreams were pleasant and your sleep wash refreshing.

I have this thing happening lately, I think of everything before it happens. Better than that, I toss around a whole topic in my head and the next day I do my usual quiet time with the fairies, shuffle three times, cut the cards and pull out a middle card and there are my thoughts right there in front of me on the card. Now am I being listened to or am I listening and not even knowing it? And the is the third possibility, that is it's a little of both!

We need to sidetrack for a brief moment. We have never really defined who the fairies were. Mom and I like this definition the best, described by Dr. Doreen Virtue PH.D. in her book Fairies 101, "Fairies are angels who reside very close to the earth so they can perform their Divine mission of protecting nature and animals." She goes onto say, "Unlike guardian and archangels, fairies have egos. In this way, they're similar to humans in that they make judgments. When fairies meet you they judge you for how you treat the environment and animals." And one more thought from Dr. Virtue, "Because they're so close to the earth, the fairies can assist you with material concerns involving money, home, health, your gardens, and your pets." So summing that up fairies are creatures from God and like all of God's creatures, they can be/are messengers from God. (Again, God, Creator, Universe all interchangeable in this conversation.)

So the fairies are bringing messages from God. So when I think about a situation and toss things around in my head and I pull the corresponding card the next morning, is God answering my question? Or was I listening to God in the first place and the card I pulled was another part of the conversation? Or is it both?

I have always had this dream to be totally self-employed, earning a living from my creativity. And like I have spoken about before, I have had many starts and many more stops. Things were never just "right". My shop, my paper creations, my creativity are growing by the day. Not at a breakneck speed, but in a way that finally makes me feel like I am coming into my own. Or maybe I was always there, I just had to realize it. Anyway, last night I was inspired to rewrite my bio for my etsy shop. I originally had two lines, one about my family and one about what I like to do. Then after reading some business advice books, I went in to do the revision, figuring I could expand a little. Well an hour later and ( including daydreaming time) I ended up with what I would call my creed, my fundamental belief on what my creations should be. My personal standard in which I will measure my work. My creativity put into words! So I printed out two copies for myself, one for my business plan and one to be displayed in my work area to be guidelines for all my work.

So this morning, I wake up and get my husband off to work and decide to do this post now instead of going back to bed. (It was 4:00 am). I do my usual ritual with the fairies and the cards and look at the card I pulled..Business Venture! The cards main message is "Trust and follow through an a new business idea."

The guide book for the cards expands on this idea to day that I desire self-employment and that my recent business ideas are valid that I can trust my intuition with respect to them. It also says that I should meditate upon my true professional desire as several options are becoming available to me. Furthermore it states that my new business venture will be successful, take action int he direction of my profession dreams and I should trust my gut. Also, write down and act upon my business ideas. Talk about validation form me!

Now for the bigger picture, when I have my quiet time I ask what the collective we needs to know and I pull my card. While I interpret for myself, there are a lot of you out there that this applies to. This is probably the answer so many others were looking for. Like the fairies, I am a messenger from God! Ahhh, but I lack the fairy dust!

On a side note, my daughter will be competing this weekend in dance and we will be staying away from the house. This might disrupt my posting schedule a bit, please bear with me.

To all I wish a great day in our Fairy World with extra fairy dust today!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Love Your Life

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that everyone has slept well!

Today the card that I have drawn is Love Life. The card's main message is "The basis of your question involves your romantic life, which is now changing for the better."

Now when I saw this card, at first for me personally I was a little puzzled. After all, my husband and I are coming up on 13 years of marriage this July. While I understand that relationships have their ebbs and flows, ours is in a great place right now. So how could this apply to me personally?

So I referred back to the handy guide book for some more insight. The opening sentence is "You have drawn this card because your love life is somehow involved in the question that you have asked, and the fairies can help you understand this connection if it's not immediately apparent to you. This card signifies that a change for the better is in the works for your love life."

Okay so I still do not see how this applies to me. I know that I ask the question for the collective we and maybe this is the answer that you needed to hear, but I am still searching what it means to me.

The book has additional meanings and the first one is "Love your life as a way to bring healing energy to the situation." Bingo, here must be the meaning for me!

I tend to sigh a lot and most times everything seems like a great chore or a big deal to do. I tend to focus on what I do not like instead of finding the joy, in everything. I forget that every accomplishment, every task completed, will bring me joy because it is done. I guess I am not loving my life, I am almost dreading it to a certain extent.

What about you? Is this particular meaning of the card apply to you? Do you face each task no matter what it is with such disregard that you miss the pure joy of completion? And maybe, just maybe there is a bigger message in the task then just the task itself?

This card and all of the cards can be taken literally or their meaning might be a metaphor, you decide. I just interpret what I think I need to hear. Let's face it, life is a metaphor. But my one piece of advice is when you are looking for the deeper meaning, make sure that you are wearing your "glass is half full goggles" because any other way, your view could get very dim!

Have a great day in our Fairy World..sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

See You in the Summer!

Good Morning To All in our Fairy World!

How are we today?

I had some great quiet time this morning and I asked what we needed to know today and I drew the card Summer. The cards main message "Everything that you're asking for becomes yours in the summertime."

Okay, so we have had a similar prediction for Spring and this threw me for a minute. Did this mean that we were getting put on a different time table?

Then I thought some more. Our original desires, things we asked for were not getting rescheduled so to speak. We have asked for more and that is what will materialize in Summer! Hooray for us we are building our confidence!

We are regrouping finding our true selves and finding our true desires and asking for more and more. We are manifesting machines! Sprinkled with Fairy Dust!!!

Keep it going, it only gets better from here!

Have a wonderful day in our Fairy World!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We Have a Birthday!!!

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

We have a birthday today...sprinkled with fairy dust!! Irene, my Mom, our very own designer of those delightful fairy treasures is celebrating her birthday today! Happy Birthday Mom!!!

Today's card is Be Yourself. We have seen this card before in the post My True Self. Let's review what the main message is, "This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power."

In the previous post we talked about our authentic selves and that just being is probably the best course to take. Here are some additional thoughts...

The guide book suggests that we let our guards down and trust our feelings that the situation will improve. Well, that is a mighty tall order! It also tells us to trust our inner guidance.

I, myself am almost a pro at the inner guidance listening. The only thing that really trips me up is when my ego flares and tunes all else out. I am learning though. I guess it all takes time.

What about you? Do you follow that inner voice, tried and true, or do you push it away? That inner voice is you, you just have to learn to listen!

Well, I hope you enjoy your day in our Fairy World...sprinkled with fairy dust!

Monday, March 2, 2009

8 Ways to Be Positive

Are you back? Isn't everything just delightful? Did you see the Desk Fairies and think "I know who that is perfect for!" Did you grab a fairy for your very own? Make sure you do!

Today's card is Affirmations. The main message on the card is "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."

The guide book says that we were sent this card because there is something we want right now (and we know what it is). To support the manifestation process, we must be positive with our words and actions.

So, the question is how do we be positive? How do we support our own manifestation? How about our life in general?

Let's start a list Shall we?
  1. Take the word not out of our daily vocab along with all the n't contractions that go along with it.
  2. Picture the best possible outcome for every situation.
  3. Start with baby steps. Do something small. For instance, if you have housecleaning issues, pick one area and keep that organized for 5 days. Once you see that you can accomplish that, well add another area keeping both organized and tidy for 5 more days and so on. Keep adding til you have tackled the whole house. The beauty of this is you will see that keeping your area organized and tidy is easy as you have done it for so many days.
  4. Start each day with prayer, meditation or reading from some text that inspires you and put you in the right mind set.
  5. If something doesn't go your way, don't dwell on it, it was only one small thing and now it's over!
  6. Keep a journal of what you desire and write every day your vision on how that is going to happen and the final outcome.
  7. Be encouraging to others and they will be encouraging to you.
  8. Believe, better yet know that you can do whatever you set out to do.
Okay, we have our list of eight things, now all we have to do is apply. Remember be the glass is half full person, not the glass is half empty person! It all works out..sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

Have a great day and check out the etsy shop!

Look at the Etsy Shop

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I hope that you all are doing well in our Fairy World!

First things first! Did you check out the new It's A Fairy World etsy shop? If you have not stop right now and click over.....I'll wait!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Short Post Today, New Etsy Shop

Good Evening,
I am dealing with a cold today so my motivation is missing!

The great news is the "It's A Fairy World" etsy shop is open for business! Mom has created some delightful fairy treasures for you to behold! Be sure to check it out!

Goodnight and we will be back on track in the morning!