Today's card is Affirmations. The main message on the card is "To lift up your thoughts and energy, and to attract what you desire, use positive affirmations."
The guide book says that we were sent this card because there is something we want right now (and we know what it is). To support the manifestation process, we must be positive with our words and actions.
So, the question is how do we be positive? How do we support our own manifestation? How about our life in general?
Let's start a list Shall we?
- Take the word not out of our daily vocab along with all the n't contractions that go along with it.
- Picture the best possible outcome for every situation.
- Start with baby steps. Do something small. For instance, if you have housecleaning issues, pick one area and keep that organized for 5 days. Once you see that you can accomplish that, well add another area keeping both organized and tidy for 5 more days and so on. Keep adding til you have tackled the whole house. The beauty of this is you will see that keeping your area organized and tidy is easy as you have done it for so many days.
- Start each day with prayer, meditation or reading from some text that inspires you and put you in the right mind set.
- If something doesn't go your way, don't dwell on it, it was only one small thing and now it's over!
- Keep a journal of what you desire and write every day your vision on how that is going to happen and the final outcome.
- Be encouraging to others and they will be encouraging to you.
- Believe, better yet know that you can do whatever you set out to do.
Have a great day and check out the etsy shop!
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