Thursday, June 4, 2009

5 Ways to Expand Your Comfort Zone

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today we picked a card called Travel. It's main meaning is "An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways."

The guide book talks about vacations and job change and moving, that sort of obvious travel type things and then one thing caught my eye. Step out of your comfort zone.

Leaving our comfort zone can very well be a trip. It causes us to think and act and live differently than what we are used to. The results can be interesting. But even further we have to consider why we do have this comfort zone.

Well for one, the name speaks for's comfortable. It is the place where we can exist without question. The flip side of the comfort zone is we get complacent and stagnant. Like water sitting in a jar, covered and never shook we get old and moldy!

So let's shake things up! Here are 5 ways to expand your comfort zone.

1. For 7 days include one food per day that you don't eat. Pick something good. Pick something that you'd normally pass up. See if your tastes have changed.
2. Pick out a new polish and wear it. Something out of the ordinary. If you are a pink person go with a red or an orange. Or be really daring and go for blue!
3. Wear that shirt. You know the one that you bought on a whim and now cannot see what you were thinking? Take it out of the closet and show it some life. There was a reason it caught your eye in the first place.
4. Read something different. If you are used to and obsessed with reading a particular genre, it is time to change up. Explore mysteries, romances, historical or even (gasp) flip to non-fiction!
5. Say hello to a stranger every day for a week. You will be making their day and you might meet some new friends.

These five tasks might seem silly and sort of old hat. They were not intended to be difficult. They are meant for you to experience some new things. As you try these thing you will find that your comfort zone will expand and your life will be fuller!

Take the trip it will be fun!

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

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