Friday, June 26, 2009

Adapting An Assertive State of Mind

Hello Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope all is going well in your corner of our magical world.

Today we are seeing the card Assertiveness for the first time. The card's main meaning is "Stand up for your beliefs, and only say yes if you really want to."

Some might say that the main message could be considered intimidating for two reasons. One as a rule we are not good about speaking our voices and two we don't want to seem pushy. So this is where we learn the finite difference being assertive and being aggressive.

Aggressive is the "in your face" type action that lets other people know what a person wants and that this person is willing to steamroll any one or anything to achieve that goal. Aggression is a fear based action, because it screams the lack of confidence that from the aggressor. They are afraid that their feelings or even themselves are not valid. If there is no validation, there is no acceptance. The aggressive person will make sure that you accept what they want even if you choose not to. Aggressive people act in the total state of ego.

Assertiveness is the act of a confident person. They are open and honest. They let their feelings be known in a considerate manner. They do not agree to do things they do not want just because someone else wants them to. Most of all an assertive person respects other's ideas. They are acting in a state outside of ego. They are confident about their particular needs, but they are acutely aware that other's needs might not be the same.

As you can clearly see there are distinct differences between aggressive people and assertive people. In general society, aggressive people are not liked. On the other hand assertive people are known to get further because they pull no punches and they respect that others might not see it the same was as they do. Also, it is not the most important thing to the assertive person that everyone agrees with them.

So how do we practice the magic of the assertive person? Well, I guess the best way to start is the confidence in believing on yourself. We have spoken about this before, but if you don't believe in yourself, who will?

What makes the most successful assertive person? I would have to say allowing the assertive state become your state of being. Your have to project it on the outside, but more importantly, you have to live it and BELIEVE it on the inside!

I think that we should all adapt the assertive state of mind. We will be more successful as individuals and we will get along better as a population.

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust.

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