Hey all You Fairy Friends!
I hope the Monday is starting out well for you.
Today's card is
Higher Consciousness. The card's main meaning is
"You are receiving guidance from your true self, your higher consciousness, which is one with the Divine universal wisdom. You are listening to love rather than fear."
As we have talked about before, there is a guidebook that goes along with each deck that gives your further insight on the cards. Today the insight begins to explain that we are getting better in tune with all the universe and we are actually getting better messages as the result. It suggests that perhaps we are clearing our minds better, maybe doing yoga or having more nature walks to become more in tune.
Or maybe we have
"put your foot down to the Universe and have adamantly decided to improve your life." This notion that we put our foot down to God and said ENOUGH really cracks me up! Who puts there foot down to God? Really? That was my initial reaction.
Then I thought for a second and realized the very act of saying ENOUGH is a turning point. This is the "Okay I get it" phase.
We were built to be problem solvers. Look how man has evolved. Look at all the technology. It is in our DNA. So if we can develop technology that allow me to speak to people around the world at any given time with the click of the mouse and we can have cars that may fly someday, they why can we not straighten out our lives?
The simple fact of the matter is that we do not listen. Mostly to ourselves. We search for answers, picking stuff apart, looking for the deeper meaning. Looking for a better message. But like we have spoken of before, everything we need,
ever, is right inside of us right now.
You might say, well I want to improve my living conditions. Where is the new house inside of me? The physical item might not be, but the ability to make a new house is there, right inside of you. The same goes for anything material or financial. The ability to manifest it all is right there within you.
The tricky one is love. I know that a lot of people are searching for it. They are looking for a mate or just the love of family and friends. But it seems that most are looking for love. The fact of the matter is it is right inside of you.
If you are so desperately searching for that love, then really you must take a real hard look at yourself, because you don't love yourself. It is that simple. And if your are having a hard time with the person that you see in the mirror each morning, what do you think the rest of the world is doing?
Like attracts like. It is a proven fact. You know the magnets and opposite poles and all of that. If you don't find yourself worthy of love than who else will? Initially that statement might sound cruel, but it is not really. But if you won't bother with yourself than who will?
Many moons ago when I was in management training for one of the fast food chains, I was having trouble getting my hourly shift responsibilities done. It was becoming a constant problem, to the point that the area supervisor sat me down. I knew I was in trouble, almost sweating it that I would walk out of the meeting with a job. He looked at me and asked "What are the qualities that you consider make up a good boss?" I answered, giving a list and my thoughts behind each quality. I saw him taking notes. It got quiet. He was taking more notes. Then, he tore of the bottom half of the sheet of paper and handed it to me. There printed in capital letters was the list of my answers. He said "Now put this on your mirror at home. Every morning while you are getting ready for work, read this list and remind yourself that you are all of these things. You expect these things out of your bosses, shouldn't your employees expect them out of you?" (Okay so I didn't get fired, but did leave the job when I ended up moving out of state).
The fact is we expect a lot from people, but do we expect them from ourselves? And when people don't come through with our "expectation" Do we blame them or us? We more than likely blame the other person, "because they just don't get me" or we blame ourselves with the martyr "I guess I will toil along forever because no one understands."
Blame and fault are strong words, ones that I do like like to use often along with guilt. But truly it is our fault. We are the ones to blame. But do not play the martyr and feel guilty. It really is about a shift in consciousness and the qualities that we expect from others should be reflected in ourselves. But it takes work.
Lots of work and the change won't happen overnight. We cannot demand that we change our selves. Like we cannot demand that someone else treats us differently. All that theory that the loudest gets served first is a bunch of BS. Because there is a price to pay for being demanding. Anyway, this why the whole "putting our foot down" thing is so funny. Do we look ourselves in the mirror and say, "I demand that you be smarter today!"? No of course not. We should look in the mirror and remind ourselves that we are very intelligent. See the difference?
So if you care to take a minute and make a list of the things that you think that you are missing from your life. Is it love, is it money, is it respect? Under those items list the qualities of those things like beauty, compassion, abundance, and caring. Each morning take your list and put "I AM" infront of each word and say out loud while looking in the mirror. "I am beautiful." "I am caring." "I respect myself." "I am worth it." Any word your chose has power for you. You will know.
Hey if you don't believe your own press who will? (don't you just love metaphors?!?!)
Today's affirmation is "
I easily hear and understand the inner voice of spirit."Have a great day and sprinkle extra fairy dust, you deserve it!