Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Are What We Eat!?!

Happy Thursday Everyone!

Today we are taking another look at a familiar card, Dietary Change. You might remember that it's main meaning is "Improve your diet and your life will also improve." We spoke about this card before here.

We all know in theory how to eat right. We know that we should avoid excess sugar, fats and junk food. We should actually be more on our game than that and also be really aware of what foods we have a sensitivity to and avoid them as well. Okay those are the knowns. What about the unknowns?

What are the unknowns? They are the triggers that cause us to cast our sensibilities aside and grab the bag of Hershey's Chocolate and chips. Or make that late night snack run.

We call them comfort foods. It may be sugar, salt or carbs. They make us feel better. Maybe the even release some dopamine in our systems that ultimately give us calm. It also has something to do with the fight or flight response that we naturally have. Okay we know what causes it all this is mainly stress. The question is how to combat it.

Why do we get stressed? Things don't go our way. People do not react as we think they should. We are not happy with ourselves. Lots of things, sure. Why so many?

I think we just have to take each possible situation apart and be proactive. If you get stressed with too many things to do and are always running late. Well plan better. If you are not happy with how people act, don't approach them. If you are not happy with yourself, you have to learn to love yourself!

I know it is easy for me to say and I have to spend a lot of time heeding my own advice, but all these things we can avoid mostly. When we cannot, we can teach ourselves to cope and react way better, without the pint of Ben and Jerry's ice cream! Putting this all into play keeps us calm and the dopamine gets release on a steady basis.

Okay so we know what to do, let's go apply it!

Sprinkle your day with lot's of fairy dust!

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