Saturday, April 18, 2009

Being True to Ourselves

Happy Saturday Fairy World!

Today we are looking even deeper into a subject with the card Be Honest With Yourself. The card's main message is "This card indicates that you're hiding your true feelings and aren't forthright about an important topic. The fairies urge you to admit your true feelings to yourself."

We have a tough family time going on right now and while this situation has been brewing for a really longtime, I am finally able to digest, think, ponder and come to conclusions that I am okay with. The cool thing is that even in this small time, have come to those conclusions about my feelings has lifted a weight off of other things. It allows me to look at other things with slightly different eyes. It is very liberating actually!

So what about you? What situation are you just stashing in the back of your heart, leaving to fester. That is what it does you know, it festers and grows and grows and feeds the ego and suddenly it is not your true self that is in the driver's seat, but your wounded ego looking for comfort and revenge in its own way. Where do you think the saying misery loves company comes from?

So take a hard look at things and call it like you see it. It's okay, say it out loud in a room that you are just in. Sometimes the first step to action/acceptance is saying the words out loud. Try them on for size. See how they fit. Feel how it will be to change things if they don't. Act on it!
Just remember that the ego is in play here as well, so heed your actions carefully not to strike out at another. Walk that fine line.

In the end, you will feel better and everything will seem easier to deal with. Good luck!

Today's affirmation is "It's safe for me to be honest with myself and others. I speak my truth with love.

Enjoy your day...sprinkled with Fairy Dust!

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