Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Am My Own Best Friend

Ahhh... Another day in our Fairy World!

Today's card is Self-Reliance. The card's main meaning is "You are your own best friend, and you can provide for yourself emotionally and physically."

This card is so important for so many of us because, while we all seem to be on this journey trying to find our true selves, we are forgetting the journey begins every morning with the person in the mirror.

Why don't we rely on ourselves more? Not the "screw it, I don't need anyone" type of relying, but just that confident sense of self, knowing that the best person we should turn to is ourselves?

We don't trust ourselves, I guess. We think the inner voice is lying. We don't think that we are that strong. Funny thing is that others who observe us more than likely know we are, but we fail to see it. We struggle to gain our strength from outside sources, almost making ourselves dependent on something else, when we have it already. I have read somewhere (I cannot find the reference, but will keep looking) that says "We have all that we need, right inside of us." The search should be over, dear fairy friends, because the answers are all right here!

If you read my other blog, you know I am a Twitter fan. I was skimming this morning and here is a tweet from my twitter friend @CoachCharrise “Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than u believe, and stronger than u seem, and smarter than u think." Chris Robin to Pooh

What perfect timing and perfect thoughts! Thank you!

So let's look at today's affirmation which is "I am tuned in to my inner source of direction. I confidently rely upon this inner source to guide me perfectly."

So have a wonderful day, my fairy friends sprinkled with fairy dust!

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