Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Friends

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope that your day is progressing well!

Today's card is Making New Friends. The main message is "Your circle of friends and acquaintances is shifting to a higher frequency. Old friends may part ways, and new people are entering your life."

I have different friendships, well different groups of friends. I think we all do, we keep them in compartments that we call on during different situations. Very rarely do we mix those compartments as it would be like the difference between a heap of crazy mixed up shoes and ones that are all lined up in pairs. I do the crazy sometimes, but I much prefer the pairs.

It has just been my experience that no matter what significance any particular friend has in your life, putting two separate groups together does not end well. The inside jokes are not the same, you can never spread the attention properly and the vibe is wrong. I have felt the same way when a friend has invite me to be amongst their other friends. A lot of times it just doesn't work.

You know what? It's okay!! We move, we change and our needs are different at different times. That is part of life. Better yet that is part of the life experience. As we grow, spiritually and emotionally we resonate to others. I change the type of reading I do every so often, why wouldn't my taste in company change as well?

I called it the life experience and that is exactly what it is. Remember our basic rules? Be good to yourself, be good to others, learn the lessons and take notes and love God. Well this question of friendships applies to all of the rules.

Be good to yourself-it is always nice to be around like minded people and have pleasant conversations.

Be good to others-it is always nice to be pleasant to people and have pleasant conversations.

Learn the lessons and take note-we are drawn to people and people are drawn to us for a particular reason. Whatever the reason it, we learn a lesson from it and teach a lesson is well. We just have to pay attention.

Love God-Remember the movie scenario? God is the cool studio executive? He steers us to new situations to make the above happen. It is our choice if we take heed. But I just Love God for looking out for me in that way!

When I was a kid I would go to Pioneer Girls, the Baptist version of Girl Scouts. I learned a song there.."Make new friends but keep the old, one is silver and the others gold".

This is so true we always have our friends, they should always be precious to us for however they have enriched our lives. We should keep in mind that while friendships drift away, like silver and gold tarnish, we can always reconnect even briefly, like you can polish silver and gold. But if we discard a friendship, burn a bridge like throwing out the tarnished coin, we will never get that back.

Today's affirmation "I am always grateful for my wonderfully supportive and loving friends."

Have a great day sprinkled with fairy dust!

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