Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Reasons for Forgiveness

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Ahhh...another beautiful morning in our lovely fairy world. It is Sunday, a time for a little extra rest for some, did you get yours?

The snow is through here with a hair over the 4" mark. Even though I do not care for winter anymore at this point, the untouched parts of my yard are quite scenic.

This morning's quiet time led me to pick a whopper of a card! Whom Do You Need to Forgive? This particular card has the message of "As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true". Whopper indeed.

So to tackle today's topic, I will give you 5 reasons for forgiveness.

  1. Holding a grudge is one of the most crippling things you can do. It sucks the life out of you. There is an old saying "If you hold a grudge you should dig 2 graves, one for the person and one for yourself".
  2. The person that you are hold the grudge against might not be aware or if they are, they are past it. They aren't losing sleep or raising their blood pressure over it..just you.
  3. Life is energy and the grudge blocks that energy. Can you feel it?
  4. In the big picture of things, someone might have a grudge against you and you are past it or oblivious of it. You forgiving your grudge on someone else will cause a chain reaction of others forgiving theirs. TA-DA! No resentments!
  5. It is just a calmer, more serene life to live.

The guide book also suggest that we forgive ourselves. That is a whopper too! Are you holding something in that you did and just cannot get past? Well my friend, right here, right now, LET IT GO! Seriously, can you change the initial action? NO. Can you change to immediate outcome of said action? NO. Can you change to long range outcome of the initial action? Yes, actually you can. If you cannot forgive yourself for something you carry this guilt with you. This will eat you alive, not being able to function guilt that just radiates off you like light in a mirror. How do you go on having healthy relationships if your past guilt is blinding everyone (metaphorically)?

Two other foods for thought.

First, the book suggest to stop judging others. We all make judgments that others would not. Like driving, someone brakes right in front of you. We shouldn't call them the choice name, instead we should quickly acknowledge that the made a decision to do something that you would not. Plain and simple, all done.

Second food for thought stop playing the victim! (As suggested by the guide book). Stop verbally trying to get more mileage out of what so and so said or did, how they wronged you. First take a good look to see what your part was in the whole situation. This goes back to the judging others thing. Were your ears tuned to hear what you thought you wanted to hear, good or bad, and not actually what is being said? And if it were true that the person has really wronged you, write it off and let it go...right there...right then, because it only grows.

Fairies are serene creatures that live a pure life and love nature. They encounter things they do not like, like littering and they encourage you to clean it up. They don't wage a battle against everyone for one person who litters. Let's learn from the fairies.

This was another day that the info just flowed out of my fingers. My hope is that I can apply my own advice on a full time basis!

Enjoy your day in our Fairy World!

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