Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Get Some Exercise!?!?!

Good Morning inhabitors (my word) of this Fairy World!

I trust that you slept well and had sweet magic filled dreams. I myself, woke with stardust in my eyes!

This morning, in my quiet moments, I drew a card from the Magical Messages from the Fairies Deck and wouldn't you know it the card was "Get Some Exercise"?

This is funny as I am a rather curvy girl, that card probably applies everyday...but today the main message is very interesting. "As your body becomes stronger, you begin to feel stronger in all ways".

Now, I have never considered my lack of exercise to indicate that I am weak, not a word I like. Unhealthy doesn't do much for me either. I guess I am just a non-exerciser. But they always say there is a mind, body, spirit connection and perhaps that is what being put out to me today. I do have a lot going on (but who doesn't), though things seem to be clicking more for me lately and I feel like getting the little tasks done, to leave time for the fun stuff!!

The advice in the guide books says to take a dance class (my DH has that covered) or do something else physical. Well, there is always laundry!

So what does this mean to you? Is it merely on the physical level that you need to shape up or does that spirit part of you need some exercise to? Better yet, what can you do to to exercise that spirit? There must be something to all this, because have you ever seen a fat fairy? NEVER! They are light and fit and airy and magical. They have a lot of responsibilities. I guess there is a correlation to the whole mind body spirit thing!

Back to what we can do to exercise the spirit. My challenge to you is to just smile at the majority of the people that you come in contact with. Throw a "Hello" or "Have a good day" in for good measure. It will be your own version of sprinkling Fairy Dust!

On that note, I wish you all a good day in our Fairy World!

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