Friday, May 15, 2009

Easy Does It

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Today let's jump right in. We have pulled the card Easy Does It. The card's main meaning is "Stop trying so hard to control everything and all the doors will open for you."

So, we need to be more laid back do we?

This is so probably true. I think that we really need to look at the situations that we try to control and discover why. Why is it so important that something goes precisely the way we want it to?

The guidebook suggests fear. We have to control a situation because we fear an outcome other than the one we have envisioned. Okay I get this one. But now I wonder why we are so worried about any other outcome aside from our chosen one.

Is it that we will get our feeling hurt? Will we not get the particular item that we want? Will someone not act the we we believe they should? So is it fair to say that it ultimately about us?

Boy, I am guilty of this as much as the next person. Compared to some people I know, I am an amateur, but I have had my moments of needing to have the upper hand. But even though I have done it more than once, I find at the end of the day that the control that was so necessary was more work and more tiring than the other possible outcomes to the situation.

So I think we need to go back to the fear issue. What are we so afraid of? That has to be discovered with each situation, but what I really believe what we will discover is that our ego is crying out. Our ego is hurt.

I also know that when our ego cries out, we are in the midst of losing our vision of our true selves. Losing is a strong word, how about ignoring? We are ignoring our true selves.

Because simply if we are in tune with the four basic rules (be good to yourself, be good to others, learn our lessons,take notes and love God) we should come out all right in any situation. Then we have nothing to be afraid of so no need for control.

That being said, we can do all of this and on the surface an outcome is not exactly preferable and maybe hurts our feelings. Well, we have to remember that hurt feelings are a hurt ego. We have to them step back and look at the lesson we have to learn.

Take a deep breath fairy friends, we are learning a lot and putting a lot into practice. It will get easier!

Today, I do not have an affirmation necessarily, but I do have a thought via @annq, a twitter friend of mine "Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow. It only robs today of its joy. Leo Buscaglia"

So sprinkle that fairy dust around, and have a great day. (And if you happen to running out of fairy dust, there is always more in the shop. Click on the picture below and order some more!)

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