Saturday, May 16, 2009

This Just In..We Can Be Honest With Ourselves

Happy Saturday Fairy World Followers!

Rise and shine and get going, it's gonna be a great day!

It is interesting that we have picked this card today, Admit Your True Feelings to Yourself. This card's main meaning is "Be honest with yourself. Only you know what you truly desire."

I said interesting, because even though we are a 7 day a week world, the weekend sometimes allow times for some extra thinking. We will definitely need that to tackle this subject!

I believe at this time we should focus more on what we are afraid of. Those are true feelings. If we face our fears, truly then nothing can hold us back.

FDR said in his address in 1933 "The only thing we have to fear is fear it'self-nameless, unreasoning, unjustified, terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance." This is one of the most famous quotes ever spoken about the subject of fear. But what FDR was saying was not just a zinger in a speech for the headlines, but the truth.

Fear can paralyze us. Stop us from doing, being, accomplishing. Fear is our personal black cloud that hangs over our heads. Funny thing though we do not recognize it always as fear.

We can call it many things or describe it with many actions but in reality it is fear. Why do we dream and flat out refuse to help ourselves? Fear. Why do we make incredible things and have incredible talents and then cannot even acknowledge them to ourselves? Fear. We are so scared of the worst possible scenario that we refuse to live and enjoy the greatest scenario when it comes along.

Are we going to get hurt? Well yes, there is a huge possibility of that happening. But that is part of living, it has to be. How would we learn, how would we grow if we didn't come across all the possibilities that there are?

Fear lives in the ego. We have to put the ego to rest and no fear. We do this by acknowledging our fears.

I feel if we do not acknowledge them and put our fears on the back burner functioning around them, two things happen. First we are not really living. And second, when we do things while this fear is front and center, we taint all outcomes because we are expecting the worse. We send off this weird vibe that looks like a huge neon sign pointing at you saying "Hey everyone this sucks! I suck. I am no good. Don't buy my stuff. Don't pay attention to me. Be rude to me!" I have seen this sign over my head.

We have to put ourselves out there and take chances and learn from the outcomes. I have come to the conclusion that I would rather try and fail then not try because I "knew" I was gonna fail.

So let's pick apart our fears this weekend, look at the worse case scenario and decide that the worse things cannot run our lives. Let's put or egos to rest and live, really, really live!

Enjoy your weekend, sprinkled with fairy dust!

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