Thursday, May 28, 2009

Owning It

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

Hope your day will be all the you expect and more!

Today we talk a little more about the card Be Yourself. To review, this card's main message is "This situation calls for you to be your authentic self, which is the basis for your personal power."

In the past, when we have pulled this card we have explored who we really are and about letting our guard down and listening to our inner guidance. Today let's look at being ourselves creatively.

Working in a creative situation and expressing myself through it there is a fine line that you walk. You make things that you love and that are really different and yet sometimes they do not appeal to others. So you re-arrange, take a look at what others are doing and suddenly you are making your own copies of other peoples things. And you might sell a few more since they seem familiar, but not a huge amount. But not overwhelmingly so. At some point you stop and write the whole mess off as you just are not able to do something creatively in a successful manner. But what I don't think that we realize is that it was our attitudes that stopped the flow in the first place.

I believe that when we made our original item, we put it out there with a tentative vibe behind it. Like our announcement was "Here is my item, I think." Somehow we are so unsure and unable to "own" our creativity that we do not believe in it. So when we are not successful and we switch gears to a copy mode, that only does fairly well because still we are not really "owning" the item we are merely producing.

When we are talking about handmade things and sales, well it is true that people tend to flock to the familiar. But, the things that are familiar once were not. They were the new, out there, never been seen item, that had to grow on others. They were the item that when first made, somebody "owned". The creator's vibe was so strong and so proud that it just drew people to them and that item.

I guess it comes down to this, when we express ourselves, however that maybe we cannot be tentative about it. We have to own it. It is ours. It is not just something we did. It is our creation. It is us! We have to put it out there with confidence. And with that confidence we know that while all may not love your creativity they way you do, or even view it in the same manner, that is fine, because you know it is great!

I have an affirmation today, "Anything I create is wonderful because it is an expression of me!"

Have a great day and sprinkle the fairy dust, it enhances everything!

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