Monday, March 30, 2009

The Movie In My Head......

Good Morning Fairy World Inhabitors!

I trust that you have had a wonderful few days since we last spoke.

Today's card from the Healing with the Fairies deck is Happily Ever After. The card's main message is "A happy outcome is assured. Relax any anxiety and feel secure that everything is resolved in the end."

The deck's guide book goes onto tell us that the movie in our heads, the one that we are currently starring in will have a happy ending! The one caveat is that we have to be positive that it is going to be that way. We essentially are the only ones that could ruin our own happy ending with negative thoughts and actions.

Do you know what this means? This is so huge! For me it means that I have many more happy years with my wonderful husband, a life that we both feel fulfilled in. That my children will grow and prosper and have fruitful lives of their own filled with happiness. That all of my family finds the joy and prosperity that they all so deserve and know that I love them. That all the creatures on earth find the peace and comfort that is promised to all of God's creatures. On smaller notes, I can stick to my new exercise program and my hair color will turn out okay!

Ahh who doesn't love a movie, especially with a happy ending? And to know what role we have to play in that movie, doesn't it make it that much more exciting? Just to think, we are the writer, producer, director and actors. The Fairies are script advisers. They encourage to keep that good parts going and nudge a little when it is going astray. And God. Well He is the really cool studio exec that oversees the whole project. He pretty much lets us run the whole show. He gives us guideance along the way but overall He just steps in when we have run the movie way, way off course!

So I am going back for more popcorn, sprinkled with Fairy Dust of course!

Enjoy your movie!

PS. Remember that each card in this deck has an affirmation? Today's is "Everything is in Divine and perfect order, right now."

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